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    Delphi Community Edition
  1. balcol

    Two CE Versions on same PC

    for this project I'm using mainly, https://github.com/RuudErmers/DelphiASIOVST-64-bit-Examples-2018 which is derived from https://sourceforge.net/projects/delphiasiovst/ but I'm not certain which is the definitive source as both projects seem dormant at the minute. Thanks everyone for your input. I got a response from Emb. today that it won't work and that CE will probably complain on a VM. The general consensus being that it _should_ work but backup first, makes sense but just to be safe I'm going to stick with 11.3 until I get my head around the packages enough to make them work for me. There are many issues with hard coded search paths and legacy version issues such as "Error 'true' is not a valid integer value" as a result of "Debug Info" having a legacy value of 'true' instead of [0..3] Thanks again all!
  2. balcol

    Two CE Versions on same PC

    Hi, I qualify for Delphi Community Edition being an individual hobby dev, and have used CE since version 10. I have an active license for version 11.3 CE with 229 days remaining, and am in the middle of developing a small project which uses an open source package that hasn't yet been updated for version 12.x. I've searched the docs and while I understand I can't have a copy of Delphi CE on the same machine as a Full Licensed Version of Delphi or C++Builder, I don't understand if I can install Version 12.x CE without affecting my existing 11.3 CE installation. Is anyone able to clarify this for me please.