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  1. Hello everyone, I've encountered an "List index out of bounds (0). TStringList is empty."-bug in my Delphi (FMX) application when executing the following code for a ComboEdit: //Prepare the ComboEdit: ComboEdit1.Items.Clear; ComboEdit1.Items.Add('A'); ComboEdit1.ItemIndex := 1; //Do Stuff... //Change the Content later again: ComboEdit1.Items.Clear; ComboEdit1.Text := 'B'; It seems that the error originates from the "TComboEditModel.DoValidate(const Value: string);"-method in the "FMX.ComboEdit.pas"-file. In line 446 is an "if" that causes the exception: if (ItemIndex <> -1) and (Text <> Items[ItemIndex]) then "ItemIndex" has the Value "0" in the debugger. My Workaround would be to add a "ItemIndex := -1" to my Code, but thats some kind of ugly to add it everywhere: //Prepare the ComboEdit: ComboEdit1.Items.Clear; ComboEdit1.Items.Add('A'); ComboEdit1.ItemIndex := 1; //Do Stuff... //Change the Content later again: ComboEdit1.Items.Clear; ComboEdit1.ItemIndex := -1; ComboEdit1.Text := 'B';