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  1. apachx

    Android : EGL PBuffer Surface Errcode : 12297

    Hello. I encountered a similar issue, although the error code is slightly different. My mobile application works well on most devices, but today I installed it on a Motorola G54 smartphone, and upon launching, I saw a strange error: Cannot create EGL PBuffer Surface: error code 12291. It sometimes occurs on the splash screen, and sometimes when a MultiView menu appears. I was only able to get rid of the error after I stopped using third-party styles (in my case, it was the Android Sterling Style). This solution worked for me since I couldn't find much information about this error online.
  2. Try this (don't forget to include the database file in the Deploy) : procedure TForm1.RefreshBD; var PackageName: JString; zip: TZipFile; begin PackageName := SharedActivityContext.getPackageResourcePath; if TFile.Exists(JStringToString(PackageName)) then begin TFile.Delete(TPath.GetHomePath + PathDelim + 'myDatabase.s3db'); zip := TZipFile.Create; zip.Open(JStringToString(PackageName), TZipMode.zmRead); zip.Extract('assets/internal/myDatabase.s3db', TPath.GetDocumentsPath, False); zip.Close; zip.free; end; end;
  3. apachx

    Is TEdit bugged with mobile? Since when?

    Can you share a working sample of code? I get an access violation error when I try to do something like this (OnEnter event) => edit1.Visible := false; edit1.BeginUpdate; edit1.ControlType := TPresentedControl.TControlType.Platform; edit1.EndUpdate; edit1.Visible := true; The error occurs on line 997 of the FMX.Edit.Style.New unit: As a temporary working solution, for edit1 in the Object Inspector, I set ControlType = Styled, activated Touch => Gestures => Standard = [Left, Right], and wrote the following OnGesture event handler: if EventInfo.GestureID = sgiLeft then (Sender as TEdit).SelStart := (Sender as TEdit).SelStart + 3 else if EventInfo.GestureID = sgiRight then (Sender as TEdit).SelStart := (Sender as TEdit).SelStart - 3; Handled := True;
  4. You can configure RAD Studio so that the Run Without Debugging and Run actions completely uninstall any previously-installed version of your application, including the data and cache folders. To do this, before installing the newer version, use the following steps: Select Run > Parameters. Enter -cleaninstall in the Parameters field.