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  1. apachx

    In App Purchase (consumable and subscription)

    And what? The same article for RAD Studio Athens: https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Athens/en/Using_the_Google_Play_In-app_Billing_Service This page was last edited on 28 September 2015, at 14:19. Using the iOS In-App Purchase Service: https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Athens/en/Using_the_iOS_In-App_Purchase_Service Note: Subscription-based types are not currently supported. This page was last edited on 21 January 2022, at 07:52. Is there any new tutorial about subscriptions? Where can I read more about it?
  2. apachx

    In App Purchase (consumable and subscription)

    Hello! Could you please tell me if there have been any changes regarding support for subscriptions in mobile applications created with the latest versions of Delphi? I developed a mobile app for Android, published it on the Play Store, and now I want to add a subscription to this app — so users can pay, for example, $7 per month to use my app. That’s it. I am not selling any other digital content within the app. I am using Delphi 12 Version 29.0.52631.8427. Is it possible to implement such a subscription in my app? Because here: https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Alexandria/en/Using_the_Google_Play_In-app_Billing_Service, it says: Note: Subscriptions are not currently supported.
  3. apachx

    Android : EGL PBuffer Surface Errcode : 12297

    Hello. I encountered a similar issue, although the error code is slightly different. My mobile application works well on most devices, but today I installed it on a Motorola G54 smartphone, and upon launching, I saw a strange error: Cannot create EGL PBuffer Surface: error code 12291. It sometimes occurs on the splash screen, and sometimes when a MultiView menu appears. I was only able to get rid of the error after I stopped using third-party styles (in my case, it was the Android Sterling Style). This solution worked for me since I couldn't find much information about this error online.
  4. Try this (don't forget to include the database file in the Deploy) : procedure TForm1.RefreshBD; var PackageName: JString; zip: TZipFile; begin PackageName := SharedActivityContext.getPackageResourcePath; if TFile.Exists(JStringToString(PackageName)) then begin TFile.Delete(TPath.GetHomePath + PathDelim + 'myDatabase.s3db'); zip := TZipFile.Create; zip.Open(JStringToString(PackageName), TZipMode.zmRead); zip.Extract('assets/internal/myDatabase.s3db', TPath.GetDocumentsPath, False); zip.Close; zip.free; end; end;
  5. apachx

    Is TEdit bugged with mobile? Since when?

    Can you share a working sample of code? I get an access violation error when I try to do something like this (OnEnter event) => edit1.Visible := false; edit1.BeginUpdate; edit1.ControlType := TPresentedControl.TControlType.Platform; edit1.EndUpdate; edit1.Visible := true; The error occurs on line 997 of the FMX.Edit.Style.New unit: As a temporary working solution, for edit1 in the Object Inspector, I set ControlType = Styled, activated Touch => Gestures => Standard = [Left, Right], and wrote the following OnGesture event handler: if EventInfo.GestureID = sgiLeft then (Sender as TEdit).SelStart := (Sender as TEdit).SelStart + 3 else if EventInfo.GestureID = sgiRight then (Sender as TEdit).SelStart := (Sender as TEdit).SelStart - 3; Handled := True;
  6. You can configure RAD Studio so that the Run Without Debugging and Run actions completely uninstall any previously-installed version of your application, including the data and cache folders. To do this, before installing the newer version, use the following steps: Select Run > Parameters. Enter -cleaninstall in the Parameters field.