Thanks Uwe for your detailed instruction! For a first test I did a shortcut of this and simply replaced the searchpath to the "source" of the libraries by the path Lib\D11\Win32\Release and it works (of cause I'm loosing the chance to debug the library this way).
I will also open an issue in the GitHub repository in case @Carlo Barazzetta misses this discussion here. 🙂
+1 for a specific "DEFINE" to enable or disable this feature. I also don't want to have this warnings in the normal debug mode. But good to know that I'm not the only one struggeling with this.
How do I get this precompiled dcu the best way? Sounds like a good workaround to me, but I only know the other way around when including a file of the Delphi RTL in my project. 🙂 Simply compiling the project seperatly doesn't seem to help. Do I have to place the dcu-files in my destination folder manually?
Hi Carlo, hi all! After I saw this thread, we decided to try this SVG components and the results are really awesome! But there is one really annoying issue: someone seems to think that it is a really good idea, to include a "{$MESSAGE HINT 'Use Delphi native Image32 SVG-Engine for SVGIconImageList'}" to indicate the used engine. So, on every build this hint pops up - a hint should be a note to take a closer look at a specific code not a simple debug information. And I didn't find a place to turn this off. 😞 Are we doing anything wrong? How to get rid of this? Otherwise, because of this little thing, this library would be useless for us.
(I know how I could change the code myself, but I would like to use the standard, otherwise we would have to change it with every update 🙂 )
We are using the version deployed via GetIt.