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gaddlord last won the day on November 6 2024

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  1. gaddlord

    More Powerful Grid

    Seems like TeeGrid https://www.steema.com/downloads/gridvcl can address most of my requirements. Will give it a try. Feel free to recommend options.
  2. gaddlord

    More Powerful Grid

    I use the FMX TGrid control but I really miss some of the DevExpress TcxGrid behaviours yet I would like to go cheap this time and use OSS one. I am in search for a grid with: * Multi-column sorting * Ability to show/hide columns from UI * Filter Control (which shows a hyeretical tree control in a new form allowing picking columns, oeprators and operands) ala the DevExpress one * Bookmarks/Goto to Bookmark * Footer * In-place eidt for numeric and text * Display of custom drawn cell with images in cells * reoder columns with drag and drop * resize columns from ui * freezed column * Inplace seearch (go to the next found row with substring martch while typing) * grouping is optional I am aware of: * https://www.devexpress.com/products/vcl/fmx/data-grid/ * https://www.tmssoftware.com/site/tmsfmxgrid7.asp * https://www.devmachines.com/download-for-delphi.html But I am in search for a free control
  3. gaddlord

    osx dark mode 10.4.2

    Searching the Internet I found function RawStr(const Str: string): Pointer; begin Result := TNSString.OCClass.stringWithUTF8String(PAnsiChar(UTF8String(Str))); end; at https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17499819/control-mplayer-via-pipe-in-macos-with-xe4
  4. gaddlord

    osx dark mode 10.4.2

    In which unit the RawStr() function is defined please?