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Everything posted by magicman

  1. Hi everyone, I have a deplhi project with bpls stored in its own application folder that will get loaded up when my application starts. However, i noticed that if i build a bpl and drop it in my desktop, my application will use the bpl located in my desktop instead of the one in my applications folder (where my other bpls live). I tried looking for a solution but cant seem to find anyone who had a similar issue. Any suggestions?
  2. magicman

    Application Loading incorrect bpl

    Well this is my company software, and the delphi application is installed on our virtual machines. When the application is installed, the bpls get installed to a folder (ex: C:/Program Files (x86)/Application/{Bpls}). I build one of the bpls on my own machine with embarcadero delphi 12. and dropped it on my VMs Desktop. When i launch the application it uses the bpl on my desktop (which should not happen, but it is). And to answer your question, i think the application is linking statically to the Bpl, because if i delete the bpl from my desktop and the application folder, it causes an error.