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Gabriel Feliz

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  1. Gabriel Feliz

    Problem to save XLSX file with QuickReport

    Sorry for not too clear, but I just click on save button and select xlsx type.. I'm not using any extra component/library, I just add QRXLSXFilter to the project and try to save as XLSX file using QuickReport Preview.
  2. Gabriel Feliz

    Problem to save XLSX file with QuickReport

    Sorry for not be too clear, but I just click on save button and select xlsx type..
  3. Gabriel Feliz

    Problem to save XLSX file with QuickReport

    Hi everyone, I'm using Delphi 10.3 and QuickReport 6, when I try to save from Report Preview to XLSX spreadsheet, it doesn't show any errors, but it doesn't work. Anybody know how to solve this problem?