@DelphiUdIT Thanks a lot for this detailed list of topics. This will be very helpful for me. So, as far as my programming background is concerned, I know enough programming to write functions and helper files in C++ and I also have experience writing CUDA kernels in CUDA C++. To be fair, the Marco Cantu book was helpful in understanding the fundamentals of variables, conditional statements and classes in Object Pascal, since I'm already familiar with those topics in C++.
I have never built an application before, so I wanted to understand what goes into making one and how dependencies are formed between classes used to construct the applications, because I have a task to characterize the architecture of a Delphi simulator and modify its features. I appreciate the caution about the complexity of this task and the validation of what I've come to find out these past few days of the difficulty of finding a single source of Delphi material that is complete with topics in Software Architecture and OOP/OOD.
I will definitely be paying attention to these topics you laid out, thank you very much.