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  1. @David Schwartz I'm bound by an NDA, so I won't be able to give any more details.
  2. @David Schwartz I appreciate your frank response to the situation I described in my posts. From my discussions with the Project Lead, I don't think there's any malicious intent behind hiring me for this project. His co-lead for the project pushed hard for this project to be funded and commence, and was really interested in reviving this Delphi simulator. My Project Lead is actually looking for more people to come on board the project. I guess it's a situation where I've mischaracterized my skill sets. My Project Lead is aware that I have no Delphi experience and has asked me to take time to become familiar with the environment. I think I'll just have a discussion with him on what his expectations are and to clarify what my skill sets are and be looking for something else to do. If you would be interested in this role, please let me know and we can privately discuss connecting with my Project lead.
  3. @Patrick PREMARTIN I will explore these resources you provided, thank you very much
  4. @DelphiUdIT Thanks a lot for this detailed list of topics. This will be very helpful for me. So, as far as my programming background is concerned, I know enough programming to write functions and helper files in C++ and I also have experience writing CUDA kernels in CUDA C++. To be fair, the Marco Cantu book was helpful in understanding the fundamentals of variables, conditional statements and classes in Object Pascal, since I'm already familiar with those topics in C++. I have never built an application before, so I wanted to understand what goes into making one and how dependencies are formed between classes used to construct the applications, because I have a task to characterize the architecture of a Delphi simulator and modify its features. I appreciate the caution about the complexity of this task and the validation of what I've come to find out these past few days of the difficulty of finding a single source of Delphi material that is complete with topics in Software Architecture and OOP/OOD. I will definitely be paying attention to these topics you laid out, thank you very much.
  5. To All, Thank you for your suggestions. I have already read the book by Marco Cantu but it wasn't satisfactory. The book by Marco Cantu does not offer a beginner a helpful way to understand how applications are developed from scratch in Delphi RAD Studio. Because I have very basic knowledge, I was wondering if anyone could recommend a roadmap of topics in Software Architecture and Object Oriented Programming/Design that will help me understand a methodical approach to understanding how to characterize and modify the simulation application I'm working on. I am looking for material that will help me learn app development using Delphi RAD Studio. I'm essentially trying to learn software architecture and OOP/OOD using Delphi RAD Studio.
  6. Hello, I'm working on a desktop application development project(specifically a desktop simulator tool) and this simulator was developed with Object Pascal. I'm trying to understand the architecture of the simulator and improve the features of the simulator. I have very basic knowledge of OOP but I don't know what I need to learn to be able to do the task I described above. Can anyone offer a learning roadmap to be proficient enough to do the task above?