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alan finiti

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  1. alan finiti

    Documentation links on indyproject.org not working

    Gave me an error too, but that was with the windows unzipping tool idk how to call it. Try to use 7z or maybe winrar it works well with it.
  2. alan finiti

    Documentation links on indyproject.org not working

    ok thank you for the clarification. Sorry to annoy again but there is some 404 errors on the link @DelphiUdIT shared, example below with the onExecute event from the TCPServer properties, is the wayback machine any different ?
  3. alan finiti

    Documentation links on indyproject.org not working

    Oh i didn't know, thank you !
  4. Hello, I wanted to take a look at the documentation for Indy but it looks like all the download links are down (error : DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN). I don't think the problem's coming from me according to the error. Anyway, i was wondering if it was something known or normal, and i apologize if my post isn't supposed to be here on this forum. Have a great day !