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  1. Delphied

    Can't Connect to InterBase

    Got it working! I installed it on a machine that never had InterBase before and everything worked. On my original machine I removed InterBase with a tool that also got rid of the registry keys and various other files. Reinstalled and all was good!
  2. Delphied

    Can't Connect to InterBase

    Those are what I tried, but sadly no dice
  3. Delphied

    Can't Connect to InterBase

    Did a default install of InterBase 2020 Developer Edition and when I try to connect to the server via IBConsole I get the following error: Your user name and password are not defined. Ask your database administrator to set up an InterBase login. Are there additional steps? Trying to follow along with Cary Jensen's book and can't move forward.
  4. Delphied

    FireDAC MySQL Driver Not Working

    [FireDAC][Phys][MySQL]-314. Cannot load vendor library [libmysql.dll, libmariadb or libmysqld.dll]. libmysql.dll has unsupported architecture [x64]. Required [x86]. The specified module could not be foundThis is the error I am getting:
  5. Delphied

    FireDAC MySQL Driver Not Working

    Tried installing version 5 and 8 of MySQL, but in both cases it tells me it wants the x86 version of the driver when I installed the x64. How do I get past this? No 32bit editions of MySql are available.
  6. Delphied

    Can't Find the Issue

    And I fixed it!
  7. Delphied

    Can't Find the Issue

    I'll add when I comment out this code: procedure TfrmMdp.ExtractionCommand(BatFile : string; TempFileName: string; TempLogName: string); var Lines : TStrings; Line, FileName, LogName, BatFileName : string; begin BatFileName := BatFile; FileName := TempFileName; LogName := TempLogName; Lines := TStringList.Create; try Lines.Add(ExePath + '\' + FileName + ' > ' + LogPath + '\' + LogName); Lines.SaveToFile(BatFileName); Lines.LoadFromFile(BatFileName); finally Lines.Free; end; All the issues go away
  8. Delphied

    Can't Find the Issue

    The Delphi newb is back with another issues. I can't for the life of me fine the error in my code. I have a bunch of errors and when I add another end; it still have two errors: Unknown Directive TfrmMdp. Code below and please be gentle as I am just learning Delphi. unit MDP_Appleu; interface uses Winapi.Windows, Winapi.Messages, System.SysUtils, System.Variants, System.Classes, Vcl.Graphics, Vcl.Controls, Vcl.Forms, Vcl.Dialogs, Vcl.ExtCtrls, VidGrab, Vcl.StdCtrls, FileCtrl, Winapi.ShellAPI, DosCommand, IOUtils; type TfrmMdp = class(TForm) vgApple: TVideoGrabber; btnRecord: TButton; btnStopRecord: TButton; btnLogs: TButton; btnExe: TButton; Label1: TLabel; Label2: TLabel; edtLogs: TEdit; edtExe: TEdit; Label3: TLabel; Label4: TLabel; edtDeviceId: TEdit; btnExtract: TButton; dosDeviceId: TDosCommand; Label5: TLabel; edtDeviceName: TEdit; Label6: TLabel; edtHardwareModel: TEdit; Label7: TLabel; edtIccid: TEdit; Label8: TLabel; edtImei: TEdit; Label9: TLabel; edtPhoneNum: TEdit; Label10: TLabel; edtIos: TEdit; Label11: TLabel; edtSerial: TEdit; procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure btnRecordClick(Sender: TObject); procedure btnStopRecordClick(Sender: TObject); procedure btnLogsClick(Sender: TObject); procedure btnExeClick(Sender: TObject); procedure btnExtractClick(Sender: TObject); procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); private { Private declarations } procedure ExtractionCommand(BatFile : string; TempFileName : string; TempLogName : string); public { Public declarations } end; const SELDIRHELP = 1000; var frmMdp: TfrmMdp; VidPath, LogPath, ExePath, IDeviceInfo : string; ExeSet, LogSet : Boolean; implementation {$R *.dfm} procedure TfrmMdp.btnRecordClick(Sender: TObject); begin VidPath := 'C:\'; if FileCtrl.SelectDirectory(VidPath, [sdAllowCreate, sdPerformCreate, sdPrompt], SELDIRHELP) then begin vgApple.StoragePath := VidPath; vgApple.VideoSource := vs_VideoCaptureDevice; vgApple.VideoDevice := vgApple.VideoDeviceIndex('USB Video'); // sets device to the usb hdmi vgApple.RecordingInNativeFormat := False; vgApple.RecordingMethod := rm_ASF; // recording to asf vgApple.TextOverlay_String := 'FA-JL10-2025_001'; // need to change so the name is the same as the current FA vgApple.AutoFilePrefix := 'FA-JL10-2025_001_'; vgApple.StartRecording(); frmMdp.Color := clRed; end else ShowMessage('You Must Select a Save Location'); end; procedure TfrmMdp.btnStopRecordClick(Sender: TObject); begin vgApple.StopRecording; frmMdp.Color := clGray; end; procedure TfrmMdp.btnExeClick(Sender: TObject); begin ExePath := 'C:\'; if FileCtrl.SelectDirectory(ExePath, [sdAllowCreate, sdPerformCreate, sdPrompt], SELDIRHELP) then begin edtExe.Text := ExePath; ExeSet := True; if ExeSet and LogSet then btnExtract.Enabled := True; end else ShowMessage('You Must Select a Path for EXEs'); end; procedure TfrmMdp.ExtractionCommand(BatFile : string; TempFileName: string; TempLogName: string); var Lines : TStrings; Line, FileName, LogName, BatFileName : string; begin BatFileName := BatFile; FileName := TempFileName; LogName := TempLogName; Lines := TStringList.Create; try Lines.Add(ExePath + '\' + FileName + ' > ' + LogPath + '\' + LogName); Lines.SaveToFile(BatFileName); Lines.LoadFromFile(BatFileName); finally Lines.Free; end; procedure TfrmMdp.btnExtractClick(Sender: TObject); begin IDeviceInfo := 'ideviceinfo.bat'; ExtractionCommand(IDeviceInfo, 'ideviceinfo.exe', 'ideviceinfo.log'); dosDeviceId.CommandLine := ExePath + '\' + IDeviceInfo; dosDeviceId.Execute; end; procedure TfrmMdp.btnLogsClick(Sender: TObject); begin LogPath := 'C:\'; if FileCtrl.SelectDirectory(LogPath, [sdAllowCreate, sdPerformCreate, sdPrompt], SELDIRHELP) then begin edtLogs.Text := LogPath; LogSet := True; end else ShowMessage('You Must Select a Location for Logs'); end; procedure TfrmMdp.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); begin DeleteFile(ExePath + '\ideviceinfo.bat'); end; procedure TfrmMdp.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin vgApple.LicenseString := blanked for security; end; end.
  9. Excellent, thanks all I will give it a shot and see how it goes! Really appreciate the help!
  10. Delphied

    Screenshot a Component

    Thanks all! I will give these a shot and see how it comes out! Really appreciate the assistance!
  11. I found a crude work around. I wrote a batch script with the needed command and used DosCommand to execute it and it worked! Thinking I could create the batch script in code, so user selection for directories are correct and execute that then delete the batch script so it doesn't interfere with the next run.
  12. I am trying to execute a command line program located in a folder that the user sets and it doesn't appear to work. The Windows command is as follows: C:\Users\<username>\Desktop\Winlibimobile\idevice_id.exe > C:\Users\<username>\Desktop\Logs\idevice_id.log When I enter this in the command line I get the output in the idevice log file in the location specified. But when I user shellexecute it does not work. procedure TfrmMdp.btnExtractClick(Sender: TObject); var DeviceIdCmd : string; begin DeviceIdCmd := ExePath + '\idevice_id.exe > ' + LogPath + '\idevice_id.log'; ShowMessage(DeviceIdCmd); //ShellExecute(0, nil, 'cmd.exe', PChar(DeviceIdCmd), nil, SW_HIDE); <---this also did not work ShellExecute(Handle ,'open', PChar(DeviceIdCmd), '', nil, SW_SHOWNORMAL); end; Is there something I'm missing? Thanks in advance!
  13. Delphied

    Screenshot a Component

    Are there any companies that enable the ability to screenshot a specific component on a form? I found https://greatis.com/delphicb/screenshot/, but I don't believe they are in business anymore. Something like this would be most helpful and thanks in advance!
  14. Delphied

    Recording via USB HDMI Capture Device

    I believe you are correct, it is binary only (I used their trial copy to test and it was a binary). But I will say support was great and the code is easy to follow. Worked like a charm with 4 lines of code so I am definitely going to order in the next few weeks.
  15. Delphied

    Recording via USB HDMI Capture Device

    Thanks for the response! Unfortunately, my testing with VLC is not producing a good video capture so I can't use it. But I did find out that TVideoGrabber SDK can do exactly what I am aiming for and works with VCL so I think I am good to go. Thanks again!!