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  1. Antony

    Delphi Community Edition

    I'll give the VM a bash at some time. Right now I am just 'cleaning up' my current SSD, whilst awaiting all the components for a new desktop I'm putting together, before I clone to the SSD to the new M.2 SSD. Thanks for your help!
  2. Antony

    Delphi Community Edition

    Thanks for the suggestion. uninstalled' the installer setup, removed the CE license via Delphi Tokyo 10.2 then tried installing CE from the start. No joy. Removed Delphi CE via the control panel, removed licence via Tokyo, reinstalled. Same problem. I'll try a VM as Nigel suggested at some point.
  3. Antony

    Delphi Community Edition

    Hi Remy, Thanks for your reply. I've tried previously a year or more ago and probably before that too so I tried yet again in case I'd done something wrong. I just ran the installer gain with the same problem and have just run the installer yet again with no luck as per the following image: File Name: RADStudio_12_1_esd_61_7529b.exe Only Windows and Mac Os are selectable (actually they come up as default selections) I may have run a Delphi trial also, but perhaps 5 years or more ago. Might be there's some remnants from a previous version that's 'upsetting' the installer? Any suggestions?
  4. Antony

    Delphi Community Edition

    I have Delphi 10.2 berlin on my PC. Missed out on the Android/iOS/Linux version by 0.1 release. I have downloaded Delphi Community 12.1 Athens but on installation the options for Android, iOS and Linux are 'greyed out'. The main reason for looking at the newer Delphi was basically for Android support and see how it functioned. In addition to Delphi Berlin Pro, I also have the full Devexpress VCL and Devart Unidac Software packages (of the same vintage) and really don't need the newer versions of Delphi just for Windows apps. - a fairly expensive combo. Is it 'standard' for Delphi Community not to allow Android/iOS/Linux ability or is it because I already have Delphi (paid) installed? Thanks.