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    Delphi 12 Athens

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  1. Squall_FF8

    Using TFDConnection for MS Acceess .accdb

    Thank you very much, Mark! This is the starting/reference point I needed. It seems I started with wrong DriverID, and thus no chance to make it.
  2. Squall_FF8

    Connecting to MS Access (.accdb) in Delphi 12

    Hehehe, nice one 🙂 Thank you for the links! I'm sure they will come in handy (the download in the second one doesnt work). Especially I would like to try the "/passive" trick with 2013 or 2016 32 bit drivers.
  3. Squall_FF8

    Using TFDConnection for MS Acceess .accdb

    It will be very helpful to see a snippet of how to setup the connection with code (at runtime). What i did? Well unlike MS SQL, I have no clue what property I need to set for Access. So I setup DriverID = MSac, then I copied the ADO ConnectionString in FD ConnectionString with hope it will work. P.S. Even if you set the connection at design time, if you can share the resulting ConnectionString, should be enough for start.
  4. Hi guys, This one was suppose to be easy, but I cant setup a TFDConnection to connect to .accdb. Is it possible? How to do it? For looong reasons in my other post , I ended up with 64 bit application that tries to connect in runtime. First I tried with ADO - all worked. I love using FireDAC, so I'm trying to do it with TFDConnection, - alas no success. If it matters, here is ConnectionString for ADO: Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Password="";Data Source=xxxx.accdb;Persist Security Info=True;Jet OLEDB:Database Password=xxxx
  5. Squall_FF8

    Connecting to MS Access (.accdb) in Delphi 12

    Thank you for your response! It seems the problem is much bigger then I thought. I did quite some digging and tests and here is short summary: 1. [Windows] ODBC keep two separate sets of providers for 32/64 bit. 2. [Windows] Depending on the version of your app, you can use only one set. 3. [Windows] Natively, in 32 version you can handle only the old (.mdb) Access format. 4. [MS Office] If you have Office installed, you are stuck with whatever version you had installed. Not 100% sure, but latest versions are x64 only. 5. [MS Office] That means, I cant install the drivers in the link. Not without removing the Office first! 6. [Delphi] Comes as 32 bit application! That mean in Design time, you can set connections only for 32bit set. 7. [Delphi] For 64 bit, runtime ONLY setup! Good luck juggling all above to deliver a seamless application to your clients ...
  6. Hi guys, I'm trying to connect my application to MS Access DB. If the file is with ".mdb" format - everything works fine. However I need to use the "accdb" and so far - nothing worked (ADO/FD connection). Can you advise how to do it? P.S. if it matters, I will need read/write to DB, but no exclusive.
  7. Squall_FF8

    Change of column widths of ListField in TDBLookupComboBox

    DisplayWidth change the width of the whole Drop down, I'm trying to change the widths of individual columns inside that DropDown. Let say I have 3 fields in ListField: Field1, Field 2 and Field 3. I want to change how wide they are during DropDown.
  8. Hey guys, I have TDBLookupComboBox with multiple columns specified in ListField, that are displayed during DropDown. How I can change the width of individual column there? The defaults puts too much space between. Also is there a way to put a header on columns?
  9. Squall_FF8

    TDBLookupComboBox without the field: DataSource

    Great, that is exactly what I needed, Thank you!! It works to set the selected item, but also to check what Item is selected.
  10. Hey Guys, I have a TDBLookupComboBox with all properties set up to show proper info in the DropDown - ListSource, KeyField, ListField. It links to a query that has ID and Name fields. Is it possible to select the appropriate Name, based on an ID, without using a DataSource (the field)? If so - how to do that by code? An example, I have ID = 100, I want the Name with that ID to be select by the combo.
  11. Squall_FF8

    Is there a way to Clear content of TDateTimePicker?

    Thank you very much! Great idea! It seems that the check plays the role of Enabled: On/OFF, so disabled (grayed text) is visually good enough hint for: no value. It is strange that VCL lacks that option. FMX has IsEmpty on its pickers. Usually FMX lacks things that VCL has 🙂 EDIT: Actually above works only, if the ShowCheckbox is True 😞
  12. Hi guys, I use TDateTimePicker, but I cant find a method to "nullify" it. The value will be passed to SQL query, so I would like to be able to pass Null. P.S. I have 2 pickers, one for date and one for time. They both should be able to pass "no value" (null).
  13. Squall_FF8

    Is it possible to use translucent png in Image List?

    OK, lets do it. From suggested links I used: In order to test it, I used an Image on top of SpeedButton. Image works fine with png. SpedButton is used because it is not WinControl (and thus can be under the image). Also the image overlap the glyph (to prove semi-transparency). Results: The Image (left) works perfectly, but the ImageList (on the right)... kind-a works - its much darker then the original. Did I missed something?
  14. Squall_FF8

    Is it possible to use translucent png in Image List?

    Thank you for you answer! It is very strange to me, that Delphi doesnt support png. You can add ico, which is like png without compression. I hoped in latest version they will fix this, but alas, no (most likely never, no interest in it). BTW by "floating", are you referring to "PngComponents" accessible trough Getit?
  15. Hey guys, I would like to add couple of .png images in an ImageList using design time ImageListEditor. However after I click Add, I get black rectangle? Is this working in Delphi 12?