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Everything posted by JWan

  1. Hi all, first and foremost, I would like to say that ICS had been a big help on some of my requirements. Yes, I am still using Delphi7 and still is maintaining an app that is being used under WinXP. Just last December 2024, I updated my ICS installation from 8.x to 9.3 and after recompiling the same app without any changes, all goes well. However, what I noticed are: 1. the EXE file size bloated by around 7MB more than while using v8.x 2. everytime I started the app in XP, I get this error: The procedure entry point ConvertThreadToFiberEx could not be located in the dynamic link library KERNEL32.dll Do note that no other part of the program source code was change aside from recompiling the exact same code using ICS 9.x I am not a professional programmer so I dont know where to find the culprit or how to solve the issue. I wanted to upgrade to v9.x because it comes with mqtt and I am thinking of incorporating mqtt messaging to the app. hope anybody can provide a solution. Thank you.
  2. yes OpenSSL was the problem. I commented the {$DEFINE USE_SSL} as guided by Angus and it is working ok now. Basically commenting this would not include OverbyteIcsLIBeay.pas during compiling. Reading the beginning part of the readme9.txt says: "Note that Windows XP is not supported and SSL will not work", is it possible that during app execution, it would detect that OS is XP and would not load any SSL related issues to bypass errors
  3. I was also guessing it might be about OpenSSL. Since my app doesnt use OpenSSL or SSL functionality (except when I will add MQTT functions), can you pinpoint me where or how to "disable" all SSL functionality?
  4. would that mean there is no way for me to use ICS v9.x on an app that will run on WinXP machine?