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Jeff Gibson

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Everything posted by Jeff Gibson

  1. Jeff Gibson

    Alternatives for SQL Anywhere

    I'm reaching out to get some opinions on "On Prem" database environments. I've got over 30 years experience working in the Sybase SQL Anywhere database environment. SQL Anywhere was an extremely powerful database to use in small on prem applications. SAP takes over and, well, you know the rest. They forgot they bought a tools company. I'm looking for a solid/scalable database that can scale from a single machine to cloud. And frankly, I'm thinking more for smaller subsets. I know that I can go MySQL. PostgreSQL. But I'm wanting to know what this community thinks. SQLA used a T-SQL dialect, so I'm wanting to steer that way. Thoughts? Would love to be able to run this on mobile devices as well. Thanks in advance for any thoughts and opinions. There are no wrong answers. :) Jeff Gibson Nashville, TN
  2. Jeff Gibson

    Alternatives for SQL Anywhere

    I absolutely appreciate ALL of the responses. Let me add some clarification. Deploying SQL Anywhere was SIMPLE! You literally deployed the standalone server engine along with the DLL's required to use with it, or the server deployment, with its set of DLL's. This was in the neighborhood of roughly 12 DLL's. Some registry tweaks from the installer to set paths, and you were off to the races. Bundling Microsoft's SQL Server is a non starter. I've only seen one application that did that, and that was Evernote. They used SQL Server for persisting notes on a local machine. The footprint was HEAVY for that deployment. I'm looking for that next database that I can bundle with a suite of products that I'm working on. From my initial look into PostgreSQL, it feels heavy. That may be wrong, so, that's why I'm wanting to run this up the flag pole with the Delphi community. A little of my background. I actually started my career developing in the Omnis Software platform. From there I moved to PowerBuilder. I've been working in PowerBuilder since 1995, but in 2010, when SAP took over the environment, they came very close to just sun setting the product. At that point in 2015, I purchased a professional license and have kept it renewed since then. Because I didn't think I was going to have a choice. Thankfully SAP released PowerBuilder to another company and there has continued to be support for it. But, they didn't release their database products. And that unfortunately has been the painful part. That's what brings my question to the group. Because the PowerBuilder environment tends to lean towards enterprise development, I'm not seeing the ISV's in that environment like I used to see. That's why I'm looking at what other database environments I can start to work with. Hope this info helps. Jeff Gibson Nashville, TN