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Everything posted by devisluis@gmail.com

  1. devisluis@gmail.com

    TIBSQLMonitor truncates the result in the "EventText" event "OnSQL"

    Thank you again Zdenëk, yes, of course, I updated my project but it seems that the Eventtext length limit is 451 characters, can´t get more than that. This is what I get in a long SQL sentence : INSERT INTO cabecera (EMPRESA,NUMERO, SERIE, MESA,CAMARERO,FECHA,HORA, COMENSALES,TOTAL,IVA,DISPONIBLE,TERMINAL,CERRADA,TICKET,DESCUENTO, INCLUIDO,FECHACIERRE,HORACIERRE,DATCLIENTE1,DATCLIENTE2,IMPRESIONES, PRIMERCOBRO,HORA_FIN,PROPINA,FRA_RELACIONADA,IdPedidoWEB,ESTADOPAGO) VALUES( 1, 2025000009, '-A', 5, 1, '03/24/2025', '21:59:23', 0, 115.50, 0, 'F', '3', 'F', 'O', 0, 'T', NULL, NULL, '2', NULL, 0, 115.50, '21:59:23' ... 451 characters Values inserted in fields PROPINA,FRA_RELACIONADA,IdPedidoWEB,ESTADOPAGO are missing in the eventtext variable.
  2. devisluis@gmail.com

    TIBSQLMonitor truncates the result in the "EventText" event "OnSQL"

    Great THANK YOU But not enough, data still truncates. The call to the function is IBSQLMonitor1SQL(EventText: String; EventTime: TDateTime); since EventText is String... the result is still truncated P.S. : Changing variables to widestring or AnsiString doesnt work either
  3. devisluis@gmail.com

    TIBSQLMonitor truncates the result in the "EventText" event "OnSQL"

    But... WHAT DID YOU DO? How did you fix the bug?