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Everything posted by Clément

  1. Clément

    http://community.idera.com/ login woes

    Hello, I successfully managed to login to Idera's forum. They fixed the "reset password". I received the email with the link to proceed!
  2. Hi, Are you using FastMM bundled or downloaded (https://github.com/pleriche/FastMM4) ? The downloaded version has a lot more options and gives you more information including line numbers, very handy.
  3. Clément

    Detailed logging (for debugging)

    Hi, Why can't you write your log in levels. For example: MyLog.Info('Entering method X'); Mylog.Debug(1, 'Connecting to database'); MyLog.Debug(2, 'Connected to database = '+FDatabase.ConnectionString ); And the constructor Mylog := TMyLog.Create( 0 ); // No Debug information Mylog := TMyLog.Create( 1 ); // Only Debug 1 Mylog := TMyLog.Create( 2 ); // Debug up to level 2. This way you can activate debug using a INI file. [Settings] Debuglevel = 0; // Or 1 or 2 HTH, Clément
  4. Clément

    New in 10.3: IDE UI Improvements in the Main Window

    Very nice!! I spend every day of the week and sometimes weekend using delphi. The dark theme helped a lot! Those visual enhancements looks really nice! Please make this version very stable! I don't want to wait for an update to start using it!
  5. Clément

    Directions for ARC Memory Management

    Why can't we just write a simple collection of interfaces. That's what I did for some classes. Take for example TStringList: IARCStringList = Inteface procedure Add( aString : string ); procedure AddStrings( aString : string ); function AsStringList : TStringList; ... end; TARCStringList = Class( TInterfacedObject, IARCStringList ) private FList : TStringList; public // Implement all IStringListARC methods and properties. destructor destroy; // Will call FList.Free; end; Usage would be very simple: procedure DoSomething; Var S : IARCStringList; begin S := TARCStringList.Create; S.Add('One'); S.Add('Two'); ListBox1.Items.AddString( S.AsStringList ); // Will return FList end; I wrote for other classes such as TARCDictionary, TARCObjectDictionary, TARCDictionary<K,V>, TARCObjectDictionary<K,O>, etc. I use "const" wherever is required when I use those ARC interfaces. What problems do you see with such implementations (other than writing a lot of code)?