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  1. Hello, I don't think it will be easy ... personally I rewrote such code to use only a single wake-up event. But a Google search for WaitForMultipleObjects linux does have some interesting results, for example: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=20580626 There are Stackoverflow results too, but the site is down right now, so I can't check them.
  2. Hi, many thanks for double-checking on this, I will look into it and compare the two libraries. I didn't intentionally choose TLS 1.3 with Indy, but maybe it was chosen by the library. And another customer did have problems with Indy too. So there might be other factors and it might still be a FileZilla bug.
  3. Hi, yes I agree it really looks like a FileZilla bug! Many thanks for your help, I saw TLS 1.3 in your log and then I thought that might be it.
  4. Hello, I just tried it. Changes to GetSession or NewSession don't help because these functions are always called with the main FTP port, not the passive mode port number. I just found that it works fine with TLS 1.3 but not with TLS 1.2! If you change it to 1.2, you can probably see the problem with your local FileZilla too. Interesting. I guess not a problem then, I will just use TLS 1.3.
  5. Hello, many thanks, I will try this! I will also provide a server login to test for you, so you can see it happening for yourself.
  6. Hello, I have tested it with OverbyteIcsXferTst and I get the same error message. I am attaching two log files, a short one and a detailed one. This is a very basic test installation of FileZilla Server v1.1.0. If necessary, I can provide an FTP test account. filezillalog_short.txt filezillalog_detailed.txt
  7. Hello, many thanks, I will try to set up a basic testing project and get log files next week. So far only Indy works with FileZilla server, for me. It would be good to have an alternative.
  8. Hello, I am using TSslFtpClient. I will try TIcsFtpMulti. As you know, the FTP protocol makes two connections, a control channel and a data channel. FileZilla FTP Server requires that these two connections share the same TLS session (or session ID). If the data channel tries to open an independent TLS session, the server rejects it for security purposes. The Internet is full of problem reports related to "TLS session of data connection has not resumed". In older FileZilla Server versions, the requirement could be turned off, but now it is mandatory.
  9. Hello, I am using ICS v8.67. Trying to make an FTP connection to a FileZilla FTP server, I get: 425 Unable to build data connection: TLS session of data connection not resumed. Is there a setting to share the TLS session between the control and data channels?