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    Delphi 11 Alexandria

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  1. One again Dave, Thank you, it's work ! However, it didn't work the first time; After done it, I had to open a project in Xcode and manually select a profile... Thank you Alejandro too. But I have an Apple ID linked to Xcode.
  2. Hello, I have a problem since I have my migrated MacMini to MacOS Sequoia (15.0). There is no Provisioning profile in Delphi project (In project/Option/Provisioning). On the Mac PAServer terminal I see the command : command_line: "/usr/bin/security" find-identity -v But nothing append. And Delphi say "No provisioning profil has been found in the build configuration and device selected...". I have no problem using XCode 15 in the same MacMini. In Xcode / Settings / Accounts all my Certificates seems to be here... All worked fine in MacOS 14 PS : This doesn't help :
  3. https://gist.github.com/bananita/8039021 This exists too : https://github.com/deqline/IPABundler
  4. Oops, yes, .IPA (not API) the end of the week is tough! 😉 Some says that : Move the .app folder into a new folder named "Payload," then compress it into a zip file and change the file extension from .zip to .ipa. I tried it without success. Anyway, thanks Dave for your confirmation.
  5. Hello, I'am trying to upload an application to Apple Store in TestFlight Problem on my Mac in PAServer\Scratch-dir my application is an .app (extension). And Transporter (Apple application) need an .api application. How to convert an .app to .api ? Or how to obtain an .api with Delphi ? Or does .API is only avalaible for "Application Store" and "Ad Hoc" Configuration ? I'am using Delphi 12.1
  6. I did not know this CanUndoSelText method, but It's exactly that I need. Thank you very much !
  7. Hello, On a basic TMemo (or any TEdit) Undo work by default when the end user modify something. Problem if you change something by code like a simple : Memo1.Seltext:='Bob'; After this Undo (CTRL + Z ) will not work for the user. If he want to cancel my "Bob". So how to force a modification by code to be in Undo stack ?
  8. Hello, I have exactly the same problem here after Delphi 12 installation. This directory has been created : C:\Users\Public\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\23.0\CatalogRepository\AndroidSDK-2525-23.0.50491.5718 But a lot of files are missing in this directory (platforms, build-tools and platforms-tools subdirectories for example). Maybe because of an existing Delphi 11.3 + Android SDK (AndroidSDK-2525-22.0.47991.2819) always installed ?
  9. FabDev

    Which Indy version in Delphi 12

    Hello, I have no time to test Delphi 12 for the moment. Can somebody say which version of Indy is in Delphi 12 ?
  10. Hello, What is the better code to free a shared resource between thread (lStrings.free) : procedure TForm16.ShowComputedDetail; begin TTask.run( procedure var lTstrings:Tstrings; begin lTstrings:=Tstringlist.create; try ComputeDetail(lTstrings); TThread.Queue(nil, procedure begin MyTMemo.BeginUpdate; MyTMemo.lines.Assign(lTstrings); MyTMemo.EndUpdate; lTstrings.Free; end); finally end; end); end; or procedure TForm16.ShowComputedDetail; begin TTask.run( procedure var lTstrings:Tstrings; begin lTstrings:=Tstringlist.create; try ComputeDetail(lTstrings); TThread.Queue(nil, procedure begin MyTMemo.BeginUpdate; MyTMemo.lines.Assign(lTstrings); MyTMemo.EndUpdate; end); finally lTstrings.Free; end; end); end;
  11. FabDev

    IOS shared document path access

    Thank you very much Dave, It's work fine. If I understand well with : UIFileSharingEnabled LSSupportsOpeningDocumentsInPlace root of document path (= TPath.GetDocumentsPath) become shared. Great job, you have written one of the most useful libraries Kastri and help HowTo repo (which I have missed !) of Firemonkey.
  12. FabDev

    IOS shared document path access

    Hello, Before I have asked my question here, I have coded an application which do something very close to your procedure TfrmAppPaths.RefreshPathList; Result, that confirm Delphi Help of Tpath, a lot the function return '' in IOS...
  13. FabDev

    IOS shared document path access

    Hello, I'am trying to access to shared document directory on IOS. The one you can found in default "File" application and after "On my Iphone"("sur mon Iphone" in french) : Application "FileHub", "Firefox" or "FTPManager" can store shared file here, but not me 😉. I have tried all path in TPath (IoUtils) class/record. Nothing seems to return it. The interesting TPath.GetSharedDocumentsPath return '' on IOS (confirmed by help). I have began to search it on, the very good, DelphiWorld/Kastri code source (like DW.FilesSelector.iOS.pas) without success for the moment...
  14. FabDev

    When will we have a 64-bit IDE version ?

    I would like to say cloud-sync (file, calendar and address book). Yes on Microsoft terminal server. 32 bits executable because it never consume more than 1 GB of memory !
  15. FabDev

    When will we have a 64-bit IDE version ?

    Nearly 25 years old CRM software. With hundred of functionalities (Cloud, offline-replication, e-mailing, calendar sync etc.) that way I need a lot of third party components. Old but still updated to have a "modern user interface": The current version uses DevExpress RIbbon (= look very close to Office 2021) and the new Windows 11 skin...