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  • Delphi-Version
    Delphi 12 Athens
  1. VLDG

    Alternatives for SQL Anywhere

    I use MySQL with MyDAC and Firebird with FireDAC. I prefer Firebird.
  2. VLDG

    VCL Componenet badge button

    I suppose something like this https://www.tmssoftware.com/site/advbadge.asp
  3. VLDG

    TFDUpdateSQL Problem

    May be this Multi-row RETURNING behaviour Client-side INSERT … SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE, MERGE and UPDATE OR INSERT queries containing the RETURNING clause may now return multiple records instead of raising error “multiple rows in singleton select” as it happened before. These queries are now described as isc_info_sql_stmt_select during preparation, while in previous versions they were described as isc_info_sql_stmt_exec_procedure. Singleton INSERT … VALUES statements, as well as positioned UPDATE and DELETE statements (i.e. the ones containing the WHERE CURRENT OF clause) preserve the existing behaviour, being described as isc_info_sql_stmt_exec_procedure. They also preserve the ability of being executed within a single protocol roundtrip to the server. However, all these queries, if used in PSQL and the RETURNING clause is applied, are still treated as singleton. https://firebirdsql.org/file/documentation/release_notes/html/en/5_0/rlsnotes50.html#rnfb50-compat-returning
  4. VLDG

    FireDAC ReadOnly connection

    You can also define a default transaction to your connection with options readonly to true. In this case you have to be sure all dataset use this default transaction. With Delphi 12 you can also use SecurityOptions https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Athens/en/What%27s_New#FireDAC_and_Security But for your case Brian answer is probably the best option.
  5. VLDG

    SBOM tool for Delphi

    we are also looking for this. Any news ?
  6. VLDG

    Paradox 7 >>> Firebird 3 DATA transfer

    You can also take a look of clevercomponnent Interbase DataPump https://www.clevercomponents.com/products/datapump/index.asp I use it a long time ago and it was working well for me.
  7. VLDG

    Weaknesses with MySQL and or PostgreSQL

    I agree Firebird is a rock and "200,000 records per year in the main table" will be ok for any database !
  8. VLDG

    ActiveMQ + OpenWire for Delphi?

    I think habarisoft make this https://habarisoft.wordpress.com/2019/06/10/apache-activemq-artemis-2-9-0-released/