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  1. markg

    fmx.graphics in Linux .so (using Delphi 10.3)

    I'm using Windows 10 also. Did you call your dll from another program - possibly a console app? It gives the error when it's run, not at compile time.
  2. markg

    fmx.graphics in Linux .so (using Delphi 10.3)

    Nobody has any idea?
  3. Using Delphi 10.3, I am writing a Linux library (an .so). I need to use some functions from fmx.graphics, but if I add it to my uses clause it does bad things although it compiles fine. If I add it to my uses clause, without even doing anything else in code, I get the following error when I call the library (.so): "Unable to init server: Could not connect: Connection refused". However, if I write a stand-alone Linux console app and add fmx.graphics, it works just fine. Is this something similar to when writing a Windows dll and using vcl,graphics, you must call GdiplusStartup first to initialize the graphics subsystem? If anyone has any ideas or examples, please send them my way.