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Everything posted by markg

  1. Using Delphi 10.3, I am writing a Linux library (an .so). I need to use some functions from fmx.graphics, but if I add it to my uses clause it does bad things although it compiles fine. If I add it to my uses clause, without even doing anything else in code, I get the following error when I call the library (.so): "Unable to init server: Could not connect: Connection refused". However, if I write a stand-alone Linux console app and add fmx.graphics, it works just fine. Is this something similar to when writing a Windows dll and using vcl,graphics, you must call GdiplusStartup first to initialize the graphics subsystem? If anyone has any ideas or examples, please send them my way.
  2. markg

    fmx.graphics in Linux .so (using Delphi 10.3)

    I'm using Windows 10 also. Did you call your dll from another program - possibly a console app? It gives the error when it's run, not at compile time.
  3. markg

    fmx.graphics in Linux .so (using Delphi 10.3)

    Nobody has any idea?