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  1. Or you could use a wrapper (as demonstrated for TNotifyEvent in https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11491593/tproctobject-to-tnotifyevent): MyTableTest.BeforeDelete := AnonProcToDataSetNotifyEvent(MyTableTest, procedure (D: TDataSet) begin LogTableOperation('MyTableTestBeforeDelete'); end);
  2. yonojoy

    How can to set up an umbrella unit?

    Do you mean something like this? unit Forms.Dialogs; { Example usage: Dlg := TBaseDialog.CreateDlg(...); //class function } interface uses Forms.Dialogs.BaseDialog, Forms.Dialogs.IncludeDialog, Forms.Dialogs.WarnDialog, Forms.Dialogs.ErrorDialog; type TBaseDialog = Forms.Dialogs.BaseDialog.TBaseDialog; TIncludeDialog = Forms.Dialogs.IncludeDialog.TIncludeDialog; TWarnDialog = Forms.Dialogs.WarnDialog.TWarnDialog; TErrorDialog = Forms.Dialogs.ErrorDialog.TErrorDialog; //...
  3. I think, you should create an own repository for your full fork, if you try to evolve the project (not a subfolder of "collection of my delphi components"). Other helpful advice on the topic can be found here: https://opensource.stackexchange.com/questions/1753/whats-the-right-way-to-ask-if-a-github-project-is-maintained
  4. No. If you apply the -4 switch usage of ipv4 should be forced (in Windows).
  5. How fast is ping -4 mypc ?
  6. yonojoy

    Interface question

    I use the following approach (out of my memory): type TSnapTallyWrapper = TInterfaceWrapper<ISnapTally>; begin li.Data := TSnapTallyWrapper.Create(snap_tally); //... ISnapTally Test := TSnapTallyWrapper(li.Data).Intf; //... Free(li.Data); li.Data := nil; end; with TInterfaceWrapper<T: IInterface> = class(TObject) private FIntf: T; public constructor Create(AIntf: T); property Intf: T read FIntf write FIntf; end; //... constructor TInterfaceWrapper<T>.Create(AIntf: T); begin inherited Create; FIntf := AIntf; end; No tricks. Clean references.
  7. Ok. I filed a bug report: https://quality.embarcadero.com/browse/RSP-36645
  8. @Der schöne Günther @Uwe Raabe OK. So can I assume that this behaviour was reproducable in Delphi 10 / Delphi 11 ?
  9. That was the most simple example I could find, that triggers the problem. I have a class hierarchy: TIBase<I> TIBaseExt<I> = class(TIBase<I>) TIFoo = class(TIBaseExt<IFooBroker>) TIBase<I> has a local variable Broker of type I. With my code one can assign a variable of type IBaseBroker to Broker even if Broker is of type IFooBroker (via TIBase<IFooBroker>). What I really wanted to know is, if I should report this to QP, especially if this problem still exists in actual Delphi versions (I only have XE4 available here).
  10. I know the cast is senseless. This was my try to break down a real world bug to, what I think, might be a compiler bug. Essentially I have a class definition with TIBaseExt<I: IBaseBroker>.Create(ABroker: I) and I can call this Create constructor with IBaseBroker even if I is instantiated with IFooBroker. In the end I should have TIBaseExt<IFooBroker>.Create(ABroker: IFooBroker) and I can call this with an IBaseBroker interface and the compiler wont complain. The cast was the bug in our code and I would have expected the compiler to error on it, but instead it compiled and I had to track the access violations. I modified the calling code to make this more clear: procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var BaseBroker: IBaseBroker; Broker: IFooBroker; Foo: TIFoo; begin Broker := TIFooBroker.Create(); if not Supports(Broker, IBaseBroker, BaseBroker) then raise Exception.Create('...'); //Here the compiler will complain: E2010: Incompatible types 'IFooBroker' and 'IBaseBroker' TIBaseExt<IFooBroker>.Create(BaseBroker); //This Create will lead to the same call, but the compiler wont complain: Foo := TIFoo.Create(Broker); try Foo.Test; finally Foo.Free; end; end; @Anders Melander A GUID for IFooBroker wont change anything. IFooBroker and IBaseBroker are different interfaces and the compiler should IMO not allow a call with IBaseBroker if I is instantiated with IFooBroker.
  11. Consider the following code: type IBaseBroker = interface ['{FE71BBA5-A6F8-4E75-894E-54F830023E99}'] end; IFooBroker = interface(IBaseBroker) function GetMsg(): string; end; TIBase<I: IBaseBroker> = class private FBroker: I; protected property Broker: I read FBroker; public constructor Create(ABroker: I); virtual; end; TIBaseExt<I: IBaseBroker> = class (TIBase<I>) public constructor Create(ABroker: I); override; end; TIFoo = class (TIBaseExt<IFooBroker>) public constructor Create(ABroker: IFooBroker); override; procedure Test; end; TIBaseBroker = class(TInterfacedObject, IBaseBroker) end; TIFooBroker = class(TIBaseBroker, IFooBroker) //no AV with ,IBaseBroker! protected function GetMsg(): string; end; implementation procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var Broker: IFooBroker; Foo: TIFoo; begin Broker := TIFooBroker.Create(); Foo := TIFoo.Create(Broker); try //AV here: Foo.Test; finally Foo.Free; end; end; constructor TIFoo.Create(ABroker: IFooBroker); begin inherited Create(ABroker); end; procedure TIFoo.Test; begin //Access violation: ShowMessage(Broker.GetMsg()); end; constructor TIBase<I>.Create(ABroker: I); begin FBroker := ABroker; end; constructor TIBaseExt<I>.Create(ABroker: I); var BaseBroker: IBaseBroker; begin //silly cast: if not Supports(ABroker, IBaseBroker, BaseBroker) then raise Exception.Create('...'); // I thought the following line should not compile for TIFoo = TIBaseExt<IFooBroker>: inherited Create(BaseBroker); end; function TIFooBroker.GetMsg: string; begin Result := 'OK'; end; I thought Create(I: IBaseBroker) should not compile, once I is instantiated with IFooBroker. But it compiles and I get an AV (at least with XE4). Or do I miss something?
  12. yonojoy

    FormStyle in legacy code

    Change from fsNormal to fsMDIChild at runtime will lead to a recreation of the window handle, which might cause problems with some controls: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14872063/why-is-it-not-advisable-to-change-the-formstyle-at-runtime/14872295
  13. We had a similar error with TMS TPlannerCalendar: The TMS code had an assumption, that mouse events are always processed after the paint message (where FCanvas was set). But this did not always hold true, eg if the control was created invisible. Our workaround was to force a call to Paint in FormCreate of the form holding the planner control: procedure WorkaroundPlannerCalendarCanvasAccessViolation(ACalendar: TPlannerCalendar); begin ACalendar.BeginUpdate; TPlannerCalendarCracker(ACalendar).Paint(); //forces initialization of TPlannerCalendar.FCanvas ACalendar.EndUpdate; end;
  14. I use FindFiles('c:\', RECURSIVE_YES); with a bunch of predefined boolean constants.