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Stéphane Wierzbicki

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Everything posted by Stéphane Wierzbicki

  1. Stéphane Wierzbicki

    SFTP client

    No criticism @Remy Lebeau but why SSH was never implemented into Indy?
  2. Stéphane Wierzbicki

    SFTP client

    Sorry for the confusion @Remy LebeauI need to connect to an SFTP server!
  3. Hello, I spent hours on this.... to discover that my BPL are screwed as soon as I use a class helper in any pas file involved to build the package. Is this "normal"? When calling a class helper function my bpl output will be 250kb When removing the class heler my bpl output will be more than one 1.089kb Regards
  4. Stéphane Wierzbicki

    Is it a bug? Using class helper into a package will "screwed" bpl output

    You are right.... It's my mind who was screwed.... Sorry but I found my mistake. I'm working with JVCL Plugin manager and I've created a bunch of plugins (packages). I forgot to update interfaces where I used the same GUID... Some of my packages where (badly) configure with GUI units (thus the output bpl size was bigger) Sorry for this bad topic !
  5. Stéphane Wierzbicki

    SFTP client

    I need a component or a library that allows me to connect to a sFTP server. I will check links you and @WillH posted.
  6. Stéphane Wierzbicki

    Setting Environment Variables

    Does it help? https://stackoverflow.com/questions/37593507/how-can-i-change-an-environment-variable-and-have-other-apps-see-the-value-witho
  7. Stéphane Wierzbicki

    Working Find Unit...

    Hi @Uwe Raabe Will it make sens to get MMX a new "Find Unit...' feature? I'm really fade up with EMB 'Find Unit...' feature.... It is bugging 90%...
  8. Stéphane Wierzbicki

    Working Find Unit...

    I was more looking for a feature that find the unit of the "unknown" class under the cursor. Thank you anyway. Ps: I just found that SHIFT-ALT U did the trick...
  9. Stéphane Wierzbicki

    Working Find Unit...

    @Jacek Laskowski, @Dinar thank you for the information. I was not aware of this nice plugin.
  10. Stéphane Wierzbicki

    TFDMemtable does not save indexdefs definitions

    Hello, Does anyone know how to store a TFDMemtable with its indexes? TFDMemtable.SaveToFile does not save indexes, I tried different formats ( sfXM,sfBinary,sfJSON). I've also tried to either add indexes with TFDMemtable.IndexDefs or with TFDMemtable.Indexes. StoreItems is set to [siData, siDelta, siMeta]. I'm clueless. Any idea?
  11. Stéphane Wierzbicki

    TFDMemtable does not save indexdefs definitions

    Looks like a feature request to put on quality central...
  12. Stéphane Wierzbicki

    TFDMemtable does not save indexdefs definitions

    @Uwe Raabe this could be an explanation but this can't be the reason why they are not stored (BTW FieldDefs are stored in the saved file). The only solution I'm thinking to is to create a separate list that will hold indexes information. This is cumbersome as this could be done with the TFDMemTabble.SaveToFile method.
  13. Stéphane Wierzbicki

    TFDMemtable does not save indexdefs definitions

    @Dmitry Arefiev do you know maybe a workaround?
  14. Hello, Anyone knows how I can delete an archive Item using TZipFile class ? I found a TZipFileHelper class helper on the net. It is useless since we cannot access TZipFile private members anymore. procedure TZipFileHelper.Delete(FileName: string); var i, j: Integer; StartOffset, EndOffset, Size: UInt32; Header: TZipHeader; Buf: TBytes; begin i := IndexOf(FileName); if i <> -1 then begin // Find extents for existing file in the file stream StartOffset := Self.FFiles[i].LocalHeaderOffset; EndOffset := Self.FEndFileData; for j := 0 to Self.FFiles.Count - 1 do begin if (Self.FFiles[j].LocalHeaderOffset > StartOffset) and (Self.FFiles[j].LocalHeaderOffset <= EndOffset) then EndOffset := Self.FFiles[j].LocalHeaderOffset; end; Size := EndOffset - StartOffset; // Update central directory header data Self.FFiles.Delete(i); for j := 0 to Self.FFiles.Count - 1 do begin Header := Self.FFiles[j]; if Header.LocalHeaderOffset > StartOffset then begin Header.LocalHeaderOffset := Header.LocalHeaderOffset - Size; Self.FFiles[j] := Header; end; end; // Remove existing file stream SetLength(Buf, Self.FEndFileData - EndOffset); Self.FStream.Position := EndOffset; if Length(Buf) > 0 then Self.FStream.Read(Buf[0], Length(Buf)); Self.FStream.Size := StartOffset; if Length(Buf) > 0 then Self.FStream.Write(Buf[0], Length(Buf)); Self.FEndFileData := Self.FStream.Position; end; end; ps: I'm using Delphi RIO
  15. Stéphane Wierzbicki

    How can I delete an archive Item using TZipFile class

    Thank you. That is clearly a bug ! I'm surprised EMB did not fixed it!.
  16. Stéphane Wierzbicki

    Delphi and MVVM Framework

    Just to let you know that nothing happens as soon I press the finish button...
  17. Stéphane Wierzbicki

    Report components: good, bad, ugly

    I'll say take a look at Fastreport.
  18. Hi, I'm worried with latest Rad Studio 10.3.2 version. I have applied Building Changed Files Patch but my modified pascal files (not saved) are no more taken on compiltion More, I'm suddenly getting weird erros that prevent me building my project... : [dcc32 Error] ETL.pas(360): E2005 'Exception' is not a type identifier on exception blocks... or [dcc32 Error] ETL.pas(450): E2029 '.' expected but ';' found Am I the only one suffering from this? Regards
  19. Stéphane Wierzbicki

    Cannot build my projects since applying the "Building Changed Files Patch"

    Yes, I already tried it!
  20. Stéphane Wierzbicki

    Cannot build my projects since applying the "Building Changed Files Patch"

    As written in my second post, the compiler error was caused by a name collision. Maybe my post was too confusing.... "Building changed files" bug still persist until I remove IDE FixPack.
  21. Hi, I cannot get this procedure TPerson.LoadSettings(const aJsonString: String). Is there any reason why self instance is not updated with new value ? Is their any workaround or should I create a LoadSettings method outside TPerson ? program Project1; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} {$R *.res} uses System.SysUtils, REST.JSON, Unit1 in 'Unit1.pas'; var Person:TPerson; jsonstr:string; begin try Person:=TPerson.Create; try person.Name := 'Hello'; jsonstr:= Person.SaveSettings; writeln(jsonstr); //write {"name":"hello"} person.Name := 'hi'; Person.LoadSettings(jsonstr); writeln(person.Name); //write hi instead of Hello readln; finally Person.Free; end; except on E: Exception do Writeln(E.ClassName, ': ', E.Message); end; end. unit Unit1; interface type TPerson = class(TObject) private FName: string; public procedure LoadSettings(const aJsonString: String); function SaveSettings: string; property Name: string read FName write FName; end; implementation uses REST.JSON; procedure TPerson.LoadSettings(const aJsonString: String); begin self := TJSon.JsonToObject<TPerson>(aJsonString); end; function TPerson.SaveSettings: string; begin result := TJSon.ObjectToJsonString(self); end; end. Ps: I'm using Delphi RIO Updt 2
  22. Stéphane Wierzbicki

    Cannot build my projects since applying the "Building Changed Files Patch"

    Removing IDE Fix Pack solved the problem. @jbg are you aware of this incompatibility ?
  23. Stéphane Wierzbicki

    Cannot build my projects since applying the "Building Changed Files Patch"

    I do have an explanation for [dcc32 Error] ETL.pas(360): E2005 'Exception' is not a type identifier on exception blocks... I'm using TMS Logging and there is a TTMSLoggerLogLevel type defined like this : Despite this "non error", IDE modified files still have to be saved....
  24. Stéphane Wierzbicki

    Cannot install JVCL on RIO 10.3.2 - fixed

    Hi, I'm trying to install JCL/JVCL on RIO 10.3.2. Both JCL and JVCL compiles without errors. No success. I don't see any JVCL package loaded in the IDE ! Any clues?
  25. Stéphane Wierzbicki

    MMX 15 (Beta) Available

    That's fine for me 👍.