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  1. pieomy00

    What is the best way LoadFromFile & Thread? (FMX)

    this is main scene (form) and using ~500MB ram. I wanna add 2. scene but have only 150 MB left (for iphone 6) on 2. scene I can not pre-load textures (150 mb dosen't enough for pre-load) and need load textures runtime for this
  2. pieomy00

    What is the best way LoadFromFile & Thread? (FMX)

    My main scene using ~500MB ram already, on this scene I have 25 different kind texture but need only 5 live (5 enemy on screen), I can not pre-load all because iPhone 6 devices crash after 645MB usage
  3. pieomy00

    What is the best way LoadFromFile & Thread? (FMX)

    Thank you, I will try harder
  4. pieomy00

    What is the best way LoadFromFile & Thread? (FMX)

    This is my scene, I have 5 enemy and have 25 different skin (sprite animation), when someone is down I need to respawn with new skin. Can not load all skins to ram, very high usage (and iphones crash if you over limits https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5887248/ios-app-maximum-memory-budget ) I have to load sprites on runtime from file smoothly. Need help for this. Thank you.
  5. pieomy00

    What is the best way LoadFromFile & Thread? (FMX)

    BitmapListAnimation1 does not have properties like UI components. I am just stoping before LoadFromFile. I dont know what can else its simple component and every BitmapListAnimation components separated You can ignore my codes, I am just searching how can load textures from file on runtime without application freeze Thanks
  6. pieomy00

    What is the best way LoadFromFile & Thread? (FMX)

    Thank you but this is for after LoadFromFile, for drawing and BitmapListAnimation using this method already. I dont have problem drawing sprites, my problem is load texture from file on runtime without application freeze
  7. pieomy00

    What is the best way LoadFromFile & Thread? (FMX)

    I have only this 2 commands, LoadFromFile must inside thread other way pointless process. I am searching best way for this. (try/finally can be remove, it doesn't matter)
  8. pieomy00

    What is the best way LoadFromFile & Thread? (FMX)

    Best for my main goal. I dont know Threads, still searching and trying understand but complicated topic. I need just for LoadFromFile this solution working usually but I got crash sometimes
  9. Hi, what is the best way LoadFromFile & Thread? (FMX ios and android) I'm using this code but i dont know this is good or bad also there is any usage limit for this? (same time with different bitmaplistanimation components) my main goal is make sprite sheet animation based game, I have a lot of sprite animation and I need load and unload on runtime. thank you. TThread.CreateAnonymousThread(procedure () begin try BitmapListAnimation1.AnimationBitmap.LoadFromFile(MyFile); finally end; TThread.Synchronize (TThread.CurrentThread, procedure () begin BitmapListAnimation1.Enabled:=true; end); end).Start;