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Everything posted by danieledel

  1. danieledel

    THostName delphi seattle

    hi I'm moving from the 2010 version to the seattle version to compile all my 64 bit programs. In the old sources I used I had a sockets.pas file where the 3 classes below are in it. If you fill it up to 32bit no problem at 64 the thostname and tsocketprotocol entry does not see them what can I do? class function LookupHostAddr(const hostName: PAnsiChar): THostName; class function LookupPort(const serviceName: PAnsiChar; potrocolNumber: PAnsiChar = nil): word; class function LookupProtocol(const protocolName: PAnsiChar): TSocketProtocol; Sockets.pas
  2. danieledel

    THostName delphi seattle

    Hello everyone. unfortunately I have a bit of difficulty in solving the problem .. I use the ibconnectionhelper where I think I am going to look for the firebird gds32.dll but even if it is present in the system it does not load it. I wanted to know if there was a way not to use the gds32.dll but the fbclient.dll which is 64 bit .. my ERP that I'm trying to switch to 64bit practically has this input dll for the connection that all the exes of the program use. Starting a 64bit exe I can't load the dll ... can you give me some advice? do you need to see the source? I think we should change the ibconnectionhelper file but I don't know how .... not considering that I have another error for the bcrypt.dll dll which I think is also this 32bit
  3. danieledel

    THostName delphi seattle

    I'm using this call gdsLib: = GetGDSLibrary ('IBSERVER'); is it correct for firebird? it might be this one looking for gds32.dll
  4. danieledel

    THostName delphi seattle

    Hello. thank you all for the answers. Just to avoid problems I have compiled all the 64 bit dll. I partially managed to move forward. My application connects with firebird 2.1 64 bit meter before it was 32bit. I use the Bcrypt.dll Dll which I suppose is 32bit and I have not found a 64bit reference, removing this dll it goes on but it goes in error because it looks for gds32.dll of firebird that is actually present in the system but it doesn't load it .. I can go on I'm still looking for the solution .... Thanks...
  5. danieledel

    THostName delphi seattle

    it was compiled at 64 bit and is executed by a 64bit exe but at loadlibray by error. can I see if it has 32-bit dependencies?
  6. danieledel

    THostName delphi seattle

    getlasterror returns 193 how do I see all the dependencies of my dll? maybe it has something 32bit
  7. danieledel

    THostName delphi seattle

    Hi... I made the changes you indicated. Now I compile the DLL but in error loading phase. Could not load dll. DLL_Handle := LoadLibrary(DLL_Name); if (DLL_Handle=0) or (DLL_Handle=Hinstance_Error) then MessageDlg('Caricamento della libreria "'+DLL_Name+'" non riuscito',mtError,[mbAbort],0); 32 bit ok. 64 bit no..
  8. danieledel

    THostName delphi seattle

    you have been very kind .. I do tests and they update you
  9. danieledel

    THostName delphi seattle

    quindi dovrei cambiare tutto in indy? I'll explain. I have a dll that inside the project there is an ibconnectionhelper file and a pcconnectionhelper file the latter has these calls inside and compiling at 64bit does not work. the file pcconnectionhelper i can't get it to work with delphi seattle at 64bit compile PCConnectionHelper.pas IBConnectionHelper.pas