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  • Delphi-Version
    Delphi 10.3 Rio
  1. pro_imaj

    1D cutting stock problem

    Thanks for the answer. I haven't used vscode before, I don't know how to convert dll. I think I can solve it more easily with an API that I can do with get/post with Postmen, but I haven't found it yet. Not being able to integrate directly with Delphi is too bad.
  2. pro_imaj

    1D cutting stock problem

    Thanks for the replies. I've seen these examples before someone paid I'll examine in detail.
  3. pro_imaj

    1D cutting stock problem

    Does anyone have a comment on this.
  4. pro_imaj

    1D cutting stock problem

    Google has such a solution for this issue, but it's not in use for delphi, why don't they support Delphi 😞 https://developers.google.com/optimization Here is the result of the algorithm I want, but I don't know how to integrate it in delphi. https://emadehsan.com/csp/ Does anyone know of a way to run this in delphi?
  5. pro_imaj

    1D cutting stock problem

    Hi, With Delphi, I am doing research on how to place the incoming orders for a business with the least waste according to the machines in production. The problem is referred to as "1D cutting stock problem" in the literature. I have to develop an algorithm from scratch that includes all the conditions, or is there a library / API etc. professional solution that I can use for this issue, I will research it and can anyone who has knowledge about the subject guide me. I found a few old studies but I'm looking for more. The work I found; http://delphiforfun.org/programs/Cutting%20Stock.htm Thanks in advance for the help.
  6. pro_imaj

    Augmented Reality

    Hi, Are there any developments in this regard? Is AR (Augmented Reality) a thing that can be done on the FMX side? Thanks.
  7. pro_imaj

    AES Encryption - FMX

    I wrote to the component developer, thank you, the problem is not caused by the component problem Delphi! CMD was able to run smoothly when we ran this parameter. GetItCmd.exe -c = useonline
  8. pro_imaj

    AES Encryption - FMX

    I don't understand why it gives the attached error. I try both. *I use this component to support IOS.
  9. pro_imaj

    AES Encryption - FMX

    Hi, For 10.4, getit gives an error, I could not reach the developer. How can I install for 10.4?
  10. pro_imaj

    Delphi fmx comes standard in iOS font

    Hi, I solved the problem permanently, adding the project to pass the following file. *I add that someone might need it in the future. unit uFont; interface uses FMX.Platform, FMX.Graphics; type TmyFMXSystemFontService = class(TInterfacedObject, IFMXSystemFontService) public function GetDefaultFontFamilyName: string; function GetDefaultFontSize: Single; end; implementation function TmyFMXSystemFontService.GetDefaultFontFamilyName: string; begin Result := 'Segoe UI'; end; function TmyFMXSystemFontService.GetDefaultFontSize: Single; begin Result := 12; end; procedure InitFont; begin if TPlatformServices.Current.SupportsPlatformService(IFMXSystemFontService) then TPlatformServices.Current.RemovePlatformService(IFMXSystemFontService); TPlatformServices.Current.AddPlatformService(IFMXSystemFontService, TmyFMXSystemFontService.Create); end; initialization InitFont; end.
  11. pro_imaj

    Delphi fmx comes standard in iOS font

    This property is valid for VCL. Unfortunately this property is not on the FMX side 😞
  12. pro_imaj

    Delphi fmx comes standard in iOS font

    While I can specify the text family with the code below on the VCL side, I could not find out how to do it on the FMX side, so I can solve the problem in this way! Application.Initialize; Application.DefaultFont.Name: = 'Segoe UI';
  13. pro_imaj

    Delphi fmx comes standard in iOS font

    Yes, I have determined it this way, but the interesting thing is that I had no problems with the same delphi version before, so the source of this problem seems to be xcode. It is a very troublesome and unnecessary job that I will have to make a continuous loop for objects in each form to solve the problem 😞
  14. pro_imaj

    Delphi fmx comes standard in iOS font

    If I don't press the button, it didn't work!
  15. pro_imaj

    Delphi fmx comes standard in iOS font

    Hi, Sample file is attached. If it's normal without pressing the button, you should see the font automatically, but it doesn't. Thanks. Project1.zip