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Everything posted by amit

  1. Thank you all for trying to help. I finally found that the monotype or monospace font that use in Delphi editor is not suitable for displaying Thai Language. Even it can display Thai but it display incorrectly. Delphi Editor should be upgrade to make it capable to use non monotype or monospace font. You can see the picture that how it display Thai incorrectly compare to the correct one. I hope one day Embarcadero will make a better editor to display Thai language correctly soon.
  2. Any Monotype fonts install in Windows will not be existed in the Selection list of the Editor in Delphi. It shown only the Original list of Delphi provided. By the way, monotype font should not be the final solution to solve this problem because it still display incorrectly. If Delphi change the Editor to use the non monotype font it should be display correctly as shown in the VS Code Editor. I wish Embarcadero will change change it soon.
  3. I downloaded monotype fonts and install them in windows however I never see those fonts in the selection list of the Editor Fonts.
  4. Hi, I try to create simple android app using FMX component. I create the Galaxy Note 5 view from its specification, Screen Resolution: 1440x2560, PPI=518, Screen size = 5.7". I place 3 buttons on the form and compile and run. It is working fine but the position of all buttons is displayed inproperly as s The pictures at design time and on the actual device (Note 5) are attached. Here is the code on package of the View I made. unit Note5; interface implementation uses system.Devices, system.Types, system.SysUtils; const ViewName = 'Note5'; // The unique name of the view, it has to be the same name as the one written between <Name></Name> tags of the DevicePreset.xml file. initialization TDeviceinfo.AddDevice(TDeviceinfo.TDeviceClass.Phone, ViewName, TSize.Create(1280,720), TSize.Create(586, 330), // MinPhysicalSize(max, min), MinLogicalSize(max, min) TSize.Create(2560,1440), TSize.Create(1280, 720), // MaxPhysicalSize(max,min), MaxLogicalSize(max,min) TOSVersion.TPlatform.pfAndroid, 518); //Select the platform and the pixel density. finalization TDeviceinfo.RemoveDevice(ViewName); // To unregister the view after unistalling the package. end.
  5. SORRY IT SHOULD BE IN FMX Group. AMIT. Hi, I try to create simple android app using FMX component. I create the Galaxy Note 5 view from its specification, Screen Resolution: 1440x2560, PPI=518, Screen size = 5.7". I place 3 buttons on the form and compile and run. It is working fine but the position of all buttons is displayed inproperly as shown. This is the picture at design time. and next is the picture that shown on the actual device (Galaxy Note 5) Please suggest what I did wrong. Here is the code on package of the View I made. unit Note5; interface implementation uses system.Devices, system.Types, system.SysUtils; const ViewName = 'Note5'; // The unique name of the view, it has to be the same name as the one written between <Name></Name> tags of the DevicePreset.xml file. initialization TDeviceinfo.AddDevice(TDeviceinfo.TDeviceClass.Phone, ViewName, TSize.Create(1280,720), TSize.Create(586, 330), // MinPhysicalSize(max, min), MinLogicalSize(max, min) TSize.Create(2560,1440), TSize.Create(1280, 720), // MaxPhysicalSize(max,min), MaxLogicalSize(max,min) TOSVersion.TPlatform.pfAndroid, 518); //Select the platform and the pixel density. finalization TDeviceinfo.RemoveDevice(ViewName); // To unregister the view after unistalling the package. end.