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  1. Johansy


    Hello, I would like to know if there is a different way to export a user interface for Python than with the Delphi4PythonExporter component, since I need to do it with Delphi 12 and this component does not yet have an update?
  2. Johansy

    Delphi Image Cropper Component?

    Thank you very much programmerdelphi2k for your help, just what I needed!!!! 🤩👌
  3. Johansy

    Delphi Image Cropper Component?

    Greetings to all here! Could you help me find a component for Delphi that works as an image cropper for Android, something like this: ArthurHub/Android-Image-Cropper: Image Cropping Library for Android, optimized for Camera / Gallery. (github.com) Thank you very much in advance.
  4. Johansy

    Error 2597

    Error 2597 Good everyone, I have reinstalled Windows and Rad Studio Alexandria, what used to work, the build for Android at 32 and 64 bit, now does not compile, I have tried with different versions of SDK and always shows me the same error: [DCC Error] E2597 c:\program files (x86)\embarcadero\studio\22.0\lib\Android\debug\SysInit.o: error adding symbols: File in wrong format.
  5. Hello everyone, I am developing an application for Android that has in one tab a WebBrowser component, everything works perfectly, but the problem comes when I try to download any file; what interests me is that the download runs with the native Android download manager, but when you click on any download button on any page nothing happens, that is, it does not initialize the download. If any of you could enlighten me about it. Best regards
  6. Hello, in a new project in which I work, I need to save some of the options of the software in an ini file, but the problem is that to observe the change in the interface of the aplication after applying the configuration to the ini file, I need to close it and reopen it. How can I apply the changes to the ini file and that they are reflected in the interface without having to close and open the software?.
  7. Johansy

    TwebBrowser + Gestures ???

    Hello, i try to create a refresh action on a WebBrowser component in Android app and the gesture manager don't work. I create and Action and OnExecute put this code: WebBrowser1.Reload; Then on WebBrowser propertie on Gestures>Down put the Action1 procedure; this method was work find if i put it to execute on other component of the form, but don't with the WebBrowser component. I find answer for all over the web and nothing, if you can help me please. Thanks...
  8. Johansy


    Hello everyone, when i tray to compile my Android app, Rad Studio Sydney send me this error: delphi error no resource identifier found for attribute 'request legacy external storage' in package 'android'. If anyone can help me?
  9. Hi everyone, i try to install a font on form create in my project, when execute the app the font was installed, but my program don't showed.
  10. I try to complier an Android App that was work fine, but when i put on the Provisioning Options a KeyStore file for put the App on the store, the compiler show me this error: Checking project dependencies... Compiling tuEdad.dproj (Debug, Android) [Exec Error] EXEC(1): keywords 'java|openjdk version' not found in 'picked up java_tool_options: [Exec Error] EXEC(1): keywords 'java|openjdk version' not found in 'picked up java_tool_options: [Exec Error] The command "PATH C:\Program Files\AdoptOpenJDK\jdk-\bin;C:\Users\Public\Documents\Embarcadero\InterBase\redist\InterBase2020\IDE_spoof;C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Oracle\Java\javapath;C:\Program Files\AdoptOpenJDK\jdk-\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\Studio\21.0\bin;C:\Users\Public\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\21.0\Bpl;C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\Studio\21.0\bin64;C:\Users\Public\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\21.0\Bpl\Win64;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Windows\System32\OpenSSH\;C:\Users\Administrador\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps; & "C:\Users\Public\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\21.0\CatalogRepository\AndroidSDK-2525-21.0.37889.9797\build-tools\30.0.0-rc4\dx.bat" --dex --output="D:\Install\Delphi's Projects\TuCuerpo\Android\Debug\classes.dex" "c:\program files (x86)\embarcadero\studio\21.0\lib\android\Debug\android-support-v4.dex.jar" "c:\program files (x86)\embarcadero\studio\21.0\lib\android\Debug\cloud-messaging.dex.jar" "c:\program files (x86)\embarcadero\studio\21.0\lib\android\Debug\fmx.dex.jar" "c:\program files (x86)\embarcadero\studio\21.0\lib\android\Debug\google-play-billing.dex.jar" "c:\program files (x86)\embarcadero\studio\21.0\lib\android\Debug\google-play-licensing.dex.jar" " exited with code -1. Failed Elapsed time: 00:00:01.7
  11. Johansy

    What about this Error ?

    Well, i make an Android app, all right until i put a digital certificate for put it on a app repository, then the compiler show me that error. ???
  12. I am making an application for Android that includes a simple image viewer, I load each image for display in an ImageLayout component, but my dilemma comes when I want to move to the next or previous image with a gesture to the right or left on the ImageLayout component ... how do I know through code which image is being seen so that from there I know which will be the next or previous one that will be shown with the action of the gesture?
  13. Thank you Dave, that was the solution to my problem....you save my life 😁👍
  14. This error show me when i try to share one image inside ImageLayout component on my Android App, if anybody can help me i will appreciate you. Thanks...