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  1. rossh

    Vcl.Themes different in debug vs release

    Ok. The issue was the placement of the "TStyleManager.TrySetStyle..." call. For proper startup drawing, it needs to be before the Application.CreateForm('xyz...') calls in the dpr file. Why? Well I had it after the CreateForms, and before App.Run, which I think meant it set all the forms to re-draw, before they were even shown.. I know it works OK when the SetStyle... is called from a button with an fully running exe, so why the TLabel troubles? I recall, that TLabel is a special case component, as it doesn't normally have a window handle, and somehow, was not getting redrawn. But with the SetStyle completed even before any TLabel is created, seems to convince it to work.
  2. I have D12.1 and using Themes to paint dark mode. In my app in debug mode, exe responds to "TStyleManager.TrySetStyle('Windows10 Dark', False);" and I get a properly dark mode app. But I put the build into release mode, and all the TLabel components do not follow the theme - stay in btnFace color and black text. The rest on the exe follows the Theme, but not the labels. Also, the source for the VCL.Themes, cannot be debugged or stop at a breakpoint. Sadly a simple example does work properly, but not a bigger app. All very strange.
  3. Did you find this, or get it resolved? I need it too for all my existing projects. moments later..... Found it. GetIt - components - VCL translation support.
  4. Purchased at midnight your time, last night, and I get "Invalid license" when loading the supplied file.
  5. if (@Prefix <> @Postfix) then That will work just fine. As long as the compiler places the Pre and Post either side of the actual function, essentially encapsulating the bit we need to protect. What happens here is the binary is parsed and encrypted, and the code is then decrypted in memory when used, all based on those text markers we insert. Thank you.
  6. I have some old security code in asm to bring up to 64bit. I realize the compiler no longer accepts embedded asm, and rejects trying to inline it. But I need to insert about 60 bytes as a place marker at the front and end of a particular function. In asm its done with db 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8. How can I do that now in pascal? i.e. insert some superfluous bytes into the function code at beginning and end? Thanks.
  7. rossh

    F1 context help to WinAPI ?

    Thank you very much. That's solves the issue nicely.
  8. rossh

    F1 context help to WinAPI ?

    In XE3, I make a procedure with a Win32 function (example) EnumWindows(f, 0); and if put the focus on it and press F1, it goes to the topic (attached below): In XE3, it was actually a URL starting with ms-help://...?searchterm. And now its back to chm and a searchterm, so I expect we can only do chm from here. I'm happy if it goes to MSDN instead, with the proper search term (EnumWindows), but the current setup doesn't do that, or anything good or useful. We used to be able to create help files and inject them into the IDE menu. That was back in D7. I see that Indy and other packages add their own help into the IDE's contextual help. So I'm thinking we should be able to edit something in the IDE / registry to pass the query into a proper web search term ?? Is there a proper tool / command that inserts help into the IDE with component design or package installing? So I think I need to find a win32.chm file, and do some reg editing.
  9. rossh

    F1 context help to WinAPI ?

    That helps a little, thank you. I updated the chm help files to v12.1. But still no contextual F1 help on win32 functions? Does it work for anyone? I just installed the trial D12.1 in a VM, and still nothing. This is rather disappointing because my old XE3 had F1 Winapi help linked to the MS Document viewer and the Winapi help there.
  10. I just updated to 12.1, after 10 years on XE3. Does the F1 contextual help still work for Win32 API functions? Do they install a local Win32 help for the lookup? Mine doesn't. Is it a broken install? The F1 help works perfect for VCL and RTL functions, but nothing good happens with Win32 functions. Is this expected? thanks.
  11. rossh

    Delphi 12 start menu entry

    Yes, I find it annoying and unnecessary. I have not found a setting to stop it. But this will hide it from showing in the Start menu. In a DOS box, set the Delphi 12.lnk file to hidden. attrib +h "%APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Delphi 12.lnk"
  12. Has anyone seen a Delphi / pascal port of the Intel Decimal floating-point math library? This is the one at https://software.intel.com/content/www/us/en/develop/articles/intel-decimal-floating-point-math-library.html (IEEE Standard 754-2008 for Floating-Point Arithmetic) Why I hear you ask? Because the application gets into financial calculations and existing codes for this project use that Intel library in C. Thanks.