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  1. var aNumber : Double; begin aNumber:=0; aNumber:=strtofloat(grid.Cells[3,arow]); ... ... Are floatvalues automatically initialized as 0 (zero)? Is the first code line unnecessary? If I understand the Help file correctly, global variables are and local variables are not?
  2. Skrim

    Cannot start Delphi

    Thanks, great advice Kind regards
  3. Skrim

    Cannot start Delphi

    I have decided to do a complete clean reinstall. No wonder things fail from time to time, 2068 Registry keys were leftover from the uninstall
  4. Skrim

    Cannot start Delphi

    When I try to start Delphi (12.2) I get an error, List index out of bounds (6) TList range is 0..5 When I click OK the program closes. I have tried to reinstall, but did not help. Any ideas?
  5. try aDialog:=TMyDialog.Create(self); ... ... finally aDialog.Free; end; I keep getting warnings about a dialog created inside a Try/Finally, why is it bad practise?
  6. LOL, I have been using Delphi since version 2 and I did not know that I always declare string as aString : string; never aString : string[3]; But a lot of these string values are saved to a database field declared in the database as a string with a fixed length, could that be the reason for the error? Kind regards
  7. See the topic, what does this warning mean? Does it matter? If no, can I turn it off? I declare a string variable like this S : string;
  8. Skrim

    Variable not initialized?

    Here is my code, also could it be done easier/more elegant // String 000001203 to 1203 // Numbers of zeros to the left could be 1..n function RemoveZeroLeft(var s : String) : string; var i, j : integer; begin for i:=1 to length(s)do begin if s<>#48 then begin j:=i; break; end; end; result:=copy(s,j,length(s)); end;
  9. I get this warning, what does it mean? [dcc32 Warning] HovedUnit.pas(13295): W1036 Variable 'j' might not have been initialized J is an integer. Do I have to do, J:=0;
  10. Skrim

    StringGrid OnGetEditText error

    D12 When I doubleclick in Event OnGetEditText to make an event handler in a stringgrid I get this error. "Property and method MyGridOnGetEditText are not compatible." The event is empty. It had some code earlier, but that is deleted together with its declaration. From Delphi Help file "You are assigning a method to an event property even though they have incompatible parameter lists. Parameter lists are incompatible if the number of types of parameters are not identical. For a list of compatible methods in this form, see the dropdown list on the Object Inspector Events page." Any ideas how to solve this?
  11. Nice I'll quote that one next time I cannot deliver on time and I'm facing fines (Usd 100 per. customer per day) for not delivering by the deadline.
  12. Why then isn't GetIt up and running? For a company within the IT industry it should be simple enough, right? In my industry (finance) we are required to have plans for downtime situations to minimize the damage. Doesn't Embarcadero have plans for such cases? Or is the philosophy, let's just wait and see what happens should something arise
  13. I think I know what is going on. Embarcadero have abanonned GetIt?
  14. Hi How can I send an email with attachement from my Delphi Win32 app via Thunderbird? I can sendt directly from my app using Indy and via Outlook, but would like Thunderbird too. Links or sample code? Kind Regards
  15. Skrim

    Error using Indy

    Thanks Remy, appreciate your answer. I will try it out. Regards, Ole