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Everything posted by Richard_Stevens

  1. Richard_Stevens

    Unsigned IPA File

    Is it possible to create an unsigned ipa file with Delphi? We have an enterprise customer that requires an unsigned IPA file which they will then sign with their own toolkit. As far as I can see you only get an IPA when it's deployed, and deployment involves our own provisioning profile and certificate, etc. Obviously we don't have our customer's equivalent of these. Thanks, Richard
  2. Richard_Stevens

    Unsigned IPA File

    Sorry, have explained it badly. They want to use their own Bundle ID as well, but in order to build an IPA file with their required Bundle ID I think I'll need a copy of their provisioning profile and certificate?
  3. Richard_Stevens

    OKTA and Delphi

    Anybody have any experience of working with adding OKTA authentication to Delphi apps? Specifically FMX IOS apps, but any experience may be useful... just wanted to pick your brains on how you found it and any issues you ran into, etc. Thanks, Richard
  4. Richard_Stevens

    Code Completion Colours (Twilight)

    10.3.2 defaults for this are fairly unreadable (see attachment)... does anybody know if can I change this anywhere? Thanks Richard
  5. Richard_Stevens

    Code Completion Colours (Twilight)

    Thank you, that does indeed change the colour of the code completion window, though I'm not a huge fan of the dark theme more generally. So, revised question: can I change those colours AND keep using the light IDE theme? 😊 Richard
  6. Richard_Stevens

    Best delphi so far?

    Still use Delphi Seattle for core VCL 32-bit work - stable and reasonably responsive and not so old that getting updated components is a problem. Use 10.3.1 AKA Rio for mobile and WebBroker work, can't say I've found it quite as bad as some here but I agree the skinning seems to make it quite flickery without adding much. Fingers crossed (as always) for the worst of that to be addressed in 10.3.Next
  7. Very useful enhancement, thank you.
  8. Richard_Stevens

    Delete Error With Delphi and Access Table

    Also not 100% sure Access supports BETWEEN? So you may have to do: where Somedate >= A AND SomeDate <= B
  9. Richard_Stevens

    Delete Error With Delphi and Access Table

    From memory, the Access date format for queries is quite unusual - found this in my legacy code library which may point in right direction? function TpdSQLsearch.GetDateQueryString(AFieldName: string; ADate: TDateTime; ADateSearchType: TpdDateSearchType): string; begin {$IFDEF Access} if ADateSearchType = dtsAfter then Result := AFieldName + ' >= #' + DateToStr(ADate) + '#'; if ADateSearchType = dtsBefore then Result := AFieldName + ' <= #' + DateToStr(ADate) + '#'; {$ELSE} if ADateSearchType = dtsAfter then Result := AFieldName + ' >= ' + QuotedStr(FormatDateTime('dd-mmm-yyyy', ADate)); if ADateSearchType = dtsBefore then Result := AFieldName + ' <= ' + QuotedStr(FormatDateTime('dd-mmm-yyyy', ADate)); {$ENDIF} end;
  10. Hi - I wonder if anybody else can confirm they've found that Berlin and Tokyo are much slower than Seattle when it comes to opening forms and data modules with relatively large numbers of components on them? It can take 2-4 times longer to open the same data module in Tokyo than it does in Seattle. This is when running in identical VMWare VMs with near identical configurations in terms of add-ins, components etc. (Except for Castalia - see below). It's so significant and has such an impact on productivity that I've opted to stay on Seattle for VCL work and only use the newer IDEs for mobile. My suspicion is that it's to do with the Castalia additions, which you could disable in Seattle but you're stuck with (I believe) from Berlin onwards. But that's only a hunch based on a few comments I saw in newsgroups etc. Thanks Richard
  11. Richard_Stevens

    Berlin and Tokyo slow compared to Seattle

    Just asked this in the Webinar, and got encouraging answer (which confirms Fred's hypothesis): Q. Did I just hear that complex forms / data modules should now load a lot faster? Has been one of my biggest bugbears in Berlin and Tokyo... A: Yes - performance problems loading very complex forms (often caused by LiveBindings even if it was not used on that form) are solved
  12. Hello, I'm trying to access a REST API that apparently uses the Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) over https. I'm having no luck connecting using the REST Debugger so I'm guessing I do actually need to integrate this library somehow. Is this even possible in Delphi, or should I use a different toolset? Thanks Richard
  13. Richard_Stevens

    Delphi and Java Cryptography Extension (JCE)

    As you both rightly guessed, the JCE was a completely irrelevant. The Delphi REST debugger and components work fine - providing I use an http address not the https one that I needed in Postman. I don't really know why - but it works. Thanks again Richard
  14. Richard_Stevens

    Delphi and Java Cryptography Extension (JCE)

    I will look at it again tomorrow with a colleague to see if I'm missing something obvious. Thanks to you both for your replies so far.
  15. Richard_Stevens

    Delphi and Java Cryptography Extension (JCE)

    We can get data out via the Postman app (https://www.getpostman.com/). This is fine for browsing the structure and seeing what the data looks like. What am I looking for that will help me understand what I need to do in Delphi? Here's a sample header taken from Postman: Date →Fri, 09 Nov 2018 15:00:10 GMT Content-Type →application/json;charset=UTF-8 Transfer-Encoding →chunked Connection →keep-alive Set-Cookie →AWSALB=jAfTXFbbqaRUWZZqgSQn871lc+Zdm1qfE4mR75Zpivsns7Fa/24r++Y4K7jP2ohPpTccySdj7VE5uWh5j0+THr6zFw/Gp1y1B7RXWd1QncyvE/Z1PevyzmwlszgI; Expires=Fri, 16 Nov 2018 15:00:10 GMT; Path=/ Sample Response: {"status":"SUCCESS","data":{"lastUpdated":"2018-05-28T08:06:54Z","dateCreated":"2018-04-24T12:12:44Z","name":"XXX: 2018 - IFRS 16","description":null,"id":737}}
  16. Richard_Stevens

    Delphi and Java Cryptography Extension (JCE)

    This is the extent of the documentation that is supplied: • HTTPS (Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) is necessary) • Basic Auth: username + password So I don't really have much to go on. It may be that it's all behind the scenes as you say and it should effectively be handled for me. But I can't seem to get the Rest debugger to get anything meaningful - not even an error message, so I wondered if it was possibly something I had to explicitly handle. Thanks for your reply.
  17. Richard_Stevens

    Berlin and Tokyo slow compared to Seattle

    Thanks Fred, that is a good tip with the profiles. Here's hoping that 10.3 runs like a dream even with livebindings...
  18. Richard_Stevens

    Berlin and Tokyo slow compared to Seattle

    Thanks Fred - and did you find it noticeably worse in Berlin and Tokyo than Seattle. Obviously Seattle has LiveBindings as well, so I wondered if they changed how they worked in the later versions. I'll try removing them anyway from Tokyo and will report back - hopefully I can just remove them for VCL projects as we do use LB a little in some mobile work (though I tend to regret it later). Richard
  19. Richard_Stevens

    Berlin and Tokyo slow compared to Seattle

    Dany - we have a fairly large number of 3rd party components (DevExpress, Raize, TeeChart, ReportBuilder the primary ones) - but as I said we have the same components installed in both IDEs. But no question, Tokyo and Berlin really seem to struggle to open data modules which Seattle opens in a couple of seconds. Your response seems to indicate you haven't found that to be a problem yourself? Thanks Richard
  20. Richard_Stevens

    Directions for ARC Memory Management

    Thumbs up from me. We have a couple of VCL products that make heavy use of relatively complex, object-based libraries that we debated moving onto mobile - but were put off by the rats nest of potential issues and number of IFDEFS it would have needed. If in 12-18 months' time we can re-use those libraries more or less "as is" then that will be great.