Dmytro Lendel
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Everything posted by Dmytro Lendel
how to Properly check if Twsocket Tcp client is still connected ?
Dmytro Lendel replied to Skullcode's topic in VCL
I am sorry, one more question if you please. What is different between OnError, OnSocksError, OnBgException events? What I need to use? Regards, Dmytro -
how to Properly check if Twsocket Tcp client is still connected ?
Dmytro Lendel replied to Skullcode's topic in VCL
O! Thank you! Will try. Regards, Dmytro -
how to Properly check if Twsocket Tcp client is still connected ?
Dmytro Lendel replied to Skullcode's topic in VCL
Hello, Thank you My devices have owner ethernet module and I can`t control it. I just can set timeout in it. After client timeout event, module generate new connection (and does not close old connection manually) to the server. I see 2 connections. Again and again My application keeps active socket pointer in internal structure. With new connection I can recognize device by ID and update socket pointer with new value. Total amount of device is always 48 in the logic list but it can be 457 in FWSocketServer.ClientCount 🙂 As far as I can see, I can use sentstr for all clients and onError event will occurs for invalid clients. Right? Than I`ll need close socket. Regards, Dmytro Lendel -
how to Properly check if Twsocket Tcp client is still connected ?
Dmytro Lendel replied to Skullcode's topic in VCL
Hello, I have 45 devices connected to the Socket Server through internet. Internet connection is not stable and my devices connected again. In the log I found Client connected. Remote: Local: Client connected. Remote: Local: Client connected. Remote: Local: How I can check active connections? Because in summary I have 128 clients but only 48 is real Is code below will be correct? for i:=0 to FWSocketServer.ClientCount-1 do if (FWSocketServer.Client as TTcpSrvClient).State=wsInvalidState then FWSocketServer.Client.CloseDelayed else if FWSocketServer.Client.SendStr('test')<0 then try FWSocketServer.Client.CloseDelayed; finally end; Regards, Dmytro Lendel P.S. I can`t login to the forum and can`t reset my password. I do not know why -
Hello, Where I can find error description for ErrCode in OnRequestDone event? THWClient.RequestDone(Sender: TObject; RqType: THttpRequest; ErrCode: Word); Regards, Dmytro
Dmytro Lendel replied to Dmytro Lendel's topic in ICS - Internet Component Suite
Thank you. -
TWSocketThrdClient and THttpCli.Post in socket thread
Dmytro Lendel posted a topic in ICS - Internet Component Suite
Hello, I need help if you please We used socked server with our devices many years and it works nice. Protocol is ASCII and very simple. Now we start to use thread socked server because we need to make same heavy queries sometimes depends on device`s request. Query is http request with get and post methods. My question is following. Is it safety to call http request from TWSocketThrdClient onClientdata event? As far as I can see TWSocketThrdClient will create own thread inside Socked thread. Correct? What is best way to implement this logic? Hope, somebody will help me Thank you Regards Dmytro -
TWSocketThrdClient and THttpCli.Post in socket thread
Dmytro Lendel replied to Dmytro Lendel's topic in ICS - Internet Component Suite
Ok. May be you are right. No reason to discovery the bike Thank you -
TWSocketThrdClient and THttpCli.Post in socket thread
Dmytro Lendel replied to Dmytro Lendel's topic in ICS - Internet Component Suite
Hi OverbyteIcsThrdSrvV2 will be good example? Can I do like in OverbyteIcsThrdSrvV2? { TClientThread is our worker thread class. Each time a client connect, a } { new TClientThread is instanciated and client socket attached to it so } { events are processed in the thread's context. } { Remember that multithreading requires synchronization, specially when } { updating GUI or accessing shared data. } { TClientThread uses OnDisplay event to display data on the application } { main form. Synchronization is automatically done. } {$M+} { Needed for Published to take effect } TClientThread = class(TThread) private FWSocket : TWSocket; { Reference to client socket } FMsg : String; { Message to be displayed } FOnDisplay : TDisplayProc; { Event variable } FThreadAttached : Boolean; { TRUE once socket attached } FCritSect : TRTLCriticalSection; procedure DisplayMsg; { Synchronized procedure } public constructor Create(Suspended : Boolean); destructor Destroy; override; procedure Execute; override; { Main method } procedure Display(const Msg : String); { Takes care of synchroniz. } published property WSocket : TWSocket read FWSocket write FWSocket; property ThreadAttached : Boolean read FThreadAttached write FThreadAttached; property OnDisplay : TDisplayProc read FOnDisplay write FOnDisplay; end; { TThrdSrvClient is the class which will be instanciated by server } { component for each new client. N simultaneous clients means N } { TThrdSrvClient will be instanciated. Each being used to handle only a } { single client. } { We can add any data that has to be private for each client, such as } { receive buffer or any other data needed for processing. } TThrdSrvClient = class(TWSocketClient) protected procedure WndProc(var MsgRec: TMessage); override; procedure WMStartCnx(var Msg: TMessage); message WM_START_CNX; public ClientThread : TClientThread; RcvdLine : String; ConnectTime : TDateTime; procedure StartConnection; override; end; -
TWSocketThrdClient and THttpCli.Post in socket thread
Dmytro Lendel replied to Dmytro Lendel's topic in ICS - Internet Component Suite
Hi, Thank you so much! -
Invalid pointer operation in TCustomLineWSocket.Destroy;
Dmytro Lendel posted a topic in ICS - Internet Component Suite
Hello, I changed a little simple OverbyteIcsThrdSrvV2_1 I need create dynamic http request in processdata event and send answer to Client procedure TTcpSrvForm.ProcessData(Client : TThrdSrvClient); Err:String; begin if Copy(Trim(Client.RcvdLine),1,3)='$RQ' then begin Err:=''; HttpPostByStr('{"serialNumber":"98D863E0F226","state":"No data for you"}',Err); Display(IntToHex((Client as TThrdSrvClient).ThreadID,8)+' '+ err); end; end; function HttpPostByStr(SJson: String;var Resp:String):Boolean; var FIDHttp:THttpCli; JsonToSend: TStringStream; ResivdToSend: TStringStream; MyResp,get_url: string; begin Result:=False; MyResp:=''; get_url:=''+'/api/points/states'; JsonToSend := TStringStream.Create('['+SJson+']', TEncoding.UTF8); JsonToSend.Position := 0; ResivdToSend:=TStringStream.Create; FIDHttp:=THttpCli.Create(nil); FIDHttp.ContentTypePost := 'application/json-patch+json'; FIDHttp.Username:='username'; FIDHttp.Password:='pass'; FIDHttp.serverauth:=httpAuthBasic; FIDHttp.URL:=get_url; FIDHttp.SendStream:=JsonToSend; FIDHttp.RcvdStream:=ResivdToSend; Resp:=''; try try FIDHttp.Post; Result:=True; except on E: Exception do begin Resp:= e.Message; end; end; finally ResivdToSend.Seek(0, 0); //Resp='' then Resp:=ResivdToSend.DataString; ResivdToSend.Free; JsonToSend.Free; FIDHttp.Free; end; end; It`s working, but after closing application exception in OverbyteIcsWSocket "Invalid pointer operation" destructor TCustomLineWSocket.Destroy; begin if FRcvdPtr <> nil then begin FreeMem(FRcvdPtr, FRcvBufSize); <-- here FRcvdPtr := nil; FRcvBufSize := 0; end; inherited Destroy; end; Where is my mistake? Regards Dmytro -
Invalid pointer operation in TCustomLineWSocket.Destroy;
Dmytro Lendel replied to Dmytro Lendel's topic in ICS - Internet Component Suite
Hello, Problem after calling function HttpPostByStr Next line from client generate exception Invalid point operation and after some time server is crashing I can`t to understand why. Regards, Dmytro -
Hello, How to send byte array with TWSocketClient? I have byte array buffer: array[1..133] of byte I found method Send but it`s working with TBytes PFirmWare = ^TFirmWare; TFirmWare = record buffer: array[1..133] of byte; end; -------------- procedure THWClient.SendXModemLine(Line: integer); var buffer : TBytes; begin if Assigned(SocketClient) then begin if (SocketClient.State=wsConnected) then begin SetLength(buffer, Length(PFirmWare(FXmodemFile.Items[Line])^.buffer)); Move(PFirmWare(FXmodemFile.Items[Line])^.buffer, buffer, Length(PFirmWare(FXmodemFile.Items[Line])^.buffer)); SocketClient.Send(buffer,Length(buffer)); <-- AV is here end; end; end; Can you help me please? Regards Dmytro
Thank you!
SSL_CTX_use_certificate:ee key too small
Dmytro Lendel posted a topic in ICS - Internet Component Suite
Hello, I tried to run demo project OverbyteIcsSimpleSslServer with OverbyteIcsSimpleSslClient. I changed SSLSecLevel to sslSecLevel128bits and I`ve got exception Can't read certificate file "ClientCert.pem" - error:140AB18F:SSL routines:SSL_CTX_use_certificate:ee key too small I need connect network device with TLS support. TLS: TLS1.2 encryptioin, TLS use no certificate method Can you help me? Regards, Dmytro -
SSL_CTX_use_certificate:ee key too small
Dmytro Lendel replied to Dmytro Lendel's topic in ICS - Internet Component Suite
Hello, I sent request to the vendor about TLS support. I can`t to understand how they implemented it. Hope will have answer soon Thank you! Dmytro -
SSL_CTX_use_certificate:ee key too small
Dmytro Lendel replied to Dmytro Lendel's topic in ICS - Internet Component Suite
Hello, Yes, you right. Welter. I am sorry Step by step. 1 Module is Eport-E20 2 In module`s manual I found “TLS: TLS1.2 encryptioin, We use no certificate method. Only support in TCP client mode.” Module is working in client mode now. Manual attached to this message 3 I added isclogger. Result attached to this letter Regards, Dmytro IOT_Device_Series_Software_Funtion_20200623.pdf 1.txt -
SSL_CTX_use_certificate:ee key too small
Dmytro Lendel replied to Dmytro Lendel's topic in ICS - Internet Component Suite
Thank you very much for your answer. I am a little lost with this problem. I need connect Ethernet module ( with TLS encryption support. TLS: TLS1.2 encryption, TLS use no certificate method and I have not ideas what I need to do. Will I need generate new certificate or set some parameters in TSsWSocketServe? I understand how it`s work in theory but don`t know what to do practically. I am sorry. Can you give some help? Regards, Dmytro