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    Delphi 12 Athens

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  1. westereng

    Delphi for Mobile Applications

    I have 🙂 As I'm just starting the development of mobile apps, I would rather use the FMX native way, than jump right into a third party product which will add to the initial cost of the project. If I feel the need later though, it may be an option
  2. westereng

    Delphi for Mobile Applications

    The new Webstencils seems interesting also, reminds me of RazorPages/Blazor in .Net
  3. westereng

    Delphi for Mobile Applications

    Thank you, some good examples there 🙂
  4. westereng

    Delphi for Mobile Applications

    True, the initial cost of Delphi is quite substantial, but the yearly renewals is something to live with, I know several tools that is more expensive and less capable...
  5. westereng

    Delphi for Mobile Applications

    Great point, I did not really think about that. That also means increased costs, since I need to keep my Delphi current at all times 😓 Using the .Net universe will be the more cost friendly option to consider. But the point about keeping on top of new os versions apply there too... Hmm, not as straight forward choice as I thought 🤔
  6. westereng

    Delphi for Mobile Applications

    Thank you all for the answers, ans links to resources. Yes, you are of course right, and I'm doing that as we speak. I have gotten quite fluent in c# in the last years (day job), and that would maybe be the obvious path to take. But in this project I am able to choose whatever stack I want(my own company) and since I have a long lasting love affair with pascal/Delphi in earlier years, I am drawn to get back into that universe 🙂 Having one environment and one source code for most of the project is appealing because I'm the only one doing this project. So I think it will save me time and resource, although Delphi is not cheap. Thanks for that, that looks great, and further solidify the point of using one language for everything. True, I need stable, and I have Delphi apps written twenty years ago that still works as expected. Not many dev tools can deliver something like that. That is the kind of stable I need, considering this is a one man project. No web app yet, but it is something to consider yes. Yes, web app too :O. I have been reading a lot about Webcore lately, and will probably be the tool of choice going forward, expecially with the new visual designer I guess I am not finding any reason to not go forward with using Delphi for this
  7. westereng

    Delphi for Mobile Applications

    Hello! I am just about to start up a quite big project that needs, ios and android apps, in addition to desktop and web apps. I have experience in Delphi for desktop and web, but not for mobile. I am also looking at .Net MAUI to see if that fits my needs. The most important thing for me is that I want to develop all this in one tool/language. So before I embark on the road to learning how to do mobile stuff with Delphi, I wanted to know your experience with creating mobile applications in Delphi. Regards Ronny