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Everything posted by Marty001

  1. I am upgrading a VCL application and have a problem using the following code which has worked in the past, I now have Delphi 12.2 and keep getting CreateOleObject is undeclared even though ComObj is in the uses clause, Has this changed in the new versions of Delphi? or am i missing something procedure MinimizeAll; var Shell: OleVariant; BEGIN Shell := CreateleOleObject('Shell.Application'); Shell.MinimizeAll; END;
  2. Marty001

    CreateleOleObject not working/undeclared

    Thanks Guys, Dont know where the 'le' came from 😛 #
  3. I am wanting to execute a CLI command to convert all FLAC files to MP3, after looking on google and the usual places I have come up with procedure TForm1.act_MUSIC_CONVERSION_FLACStoMP3Execute(Sender: TObject); begin ShellExecute(0, nil, 'cmd.exe',PWideCHar( 'find '+PwideChar(form1.FileListBox1.Directory)+'. -name "*.flac" -exec ffmpeg -i {} -ab 320k -map_metadata 0 -id3v2_version 3 {}.mp3 \;'), nil, SW_HIDE); end; however the command window opens but nothing is executed :(
  4. Marty001

    Load font into TStringlist

    I have a Font (ttf) added to my resource file, It is a graphical in-house font that has icons for Tbutton etc, however is there a way to add the font to a TImageList? so that each character is a separate image? Using Delphi 11.2 on Windows 11 Pro 64bit
  5. I have an XML file produced by Media Companion for a movie, I have used the Data Binding wizard to produce a schema from a dtd file. I can retrieve almost all the details from the file except when there is a list. <uniqueid type="tmdb">745272</uniqueid> <uniqueid type="imdb" default="true">tt13095604</uniqueid> How do I retreive the value for uniqueid>imdb I cannot find any assistance via google that explains this situation. Or am I missing something really simple I have attached the files The Phenomenon (2020).nfo is the XML file cm_movieinfo.dtd is the Document Schema cm_movieinfo.xdb is the generated Delphi Data Binding Unit. cm_movieinfo.dtd The Phenomenon (2020).nfo cm_movieinfo.xdb
  6. Marty001

    Data Binding retreiving data from list

    Thanks for that information, I have managed to get the value, however using Loadmovie came up with 'interface not allowed' I changed back to 'Getmovie' and the following code works cmmovieinfo := Getmovie(XMLDocument1); for t := 0 to cmmovieinfo.Uniqueid.Count - 1 do begin if cmmovieinfo.Uniqueid[t].Type_ = 'imdb' then moviecode := cmmovieinfo.Uniqueid[t].nodevalue; end;
  7. Marty001

    TWebBrowser Question

    does anybody know if it is possible to set the 'Save Image to' dialog default folder to a user specified one? for example, i have a directorylist and a filelist and want to save the image from TWebbrowser (when right clicking and Save Image As) to default to the folder that is currently showing in the TDirectoryListBox
  8. Marty001

    TWebBrowser Question

    Setting SETCURRENTDIR made no difference 😞
  9. Marty001

    Moving Projects Folder

    My drive that contains the folder where I have my Projects ( installation default : Documents/Embarcadero/Studio/projects) is failing, is there a quick way in RAD Studio 10.3 to move the location of the folder to another drive?
  10. Marty001

    Moving Projects Folder

    Thankyou for all your replies but....... I know about RAID and have an SSD installed ready for my Rad Studio Projects, all I am wanting to know is....... Is there a setting in the IDE where I can state the path of the new Embarcadero/studio/projects folder? this new ssd will be solely for my Rad Studio Projects
  11. Marty001

    Moving Projects Folder

    Thankyou for your reply, I installed with default everything, so if I move the projects folder I take it that I would not need to change anything in the IDE to locate support files etc
  12. Hi All, I am new to JSON parsing and for some reason cannot get my head around it, I would like some assistance with parsing a multi level JSON string, I am using Delphi 10.3 natively, using the TJSONObject. I have been able to use the TVDB API to get series information but am finding it difficult to parse the episode list that comes from the API, so far i have only had to deal with a 'single level' file but this response contains multiple records, 1 for each episode and then a nested 'array' with a list of actors per episode. I would like some assistance with this if anybody can help. I have tried reading the RAD STUDIO JSON documentation but soon developed a headache. Any guidance would be appreciated. I have attached a sample JSON response. stdiscovery.json
  13. Marty001

    Parsing JSON response from TVDB

    Thankyou for your reply, how should I adapt this if my JSON data is in a string and not a file, I copied the string from my VCL application into dreamweaver to format it (that is where the comment came from)