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Curt Krueger

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  1. ChatGPT is basically in "infant" at the moment. It'll only get better and there will probably be systems specifically trained to do specific tasks only, and be very good at it. I think it's always been pitched as augmentation, not a blind "Here, I'll do everything for you". Plus by using it and generating code we're actually helping train the thing. Oh, what happened to Unit Testing? Wouldn't you know what you're expecting from ANY code and write unit test to verify? I read the first 15 or so responses (maybe I missed it), no one mentioned unit tests. But, I get it, if you don't like it don't use it, but I'm guessing at some point we all will (or another companies version of it). Same argument at for Stack Overflow. Someone hurts your feelings, don't use it. All news sources are biased.
  2. Curt Krueger

    Trapping Keyboard Key presses for Hot Keys.. Sanity check

    Thanks for the input. Basically confirms what I've been thinking. Curt
  3. Hello! Currently on Delphi 10.3 (latest Rio) Pro. I'm going through an app that's been in production for a long time and I'm finally adding a lot more keyboard short cuts, and finding it's not that fun, and want to make sure that I'm not missing something, even though I kind of made it hard on myself (hard on myself for hot keys). The application has various modules, in the module it has a form that has tabs, each tab instead of embedding a "frame" into the tab or dropping controls directly on the tab and having a nightmare managing tabs, and having no re-usability, I've created a form that embeds into each tab (instead of a frame). It works well, because I can reuse the forms in other modules, I get all the benefits a form offers with its rich set of events, and if I fix a UI bug, I fix it everywhere that part of the module is used. For example, I have a Company module, and I'll use one of the Company forms within the Job Order Module. If I enhance the company form for what ever reason, the Job Order Module gets that benefit and consistency. I started this app when either Actions were new or non-existent (Delphi 5), if I remember correctly, so I don't have actions wired up, and even if I did, multiple modules can be opened at once, so I'm not sure how multiple forms (only one active at a time obviously) would interact with multiple sets of Actions (maybe this is what I need?). In any case, now it's time to add some hot keys for Cancel and Save for example (the customer is currently used to tabbing to it, or clicking), and due to the "layered" forms I have, even though I'm setting focus to the top form and have an active control on that form, it seems I have to click on the form before the hotkey will work (defeats the purpose, having to click), and even then it seems intermittent (I want the hot keys to work 100% of the time). Here is the kicker; I'm getting rid of as many modal forms/dialogs as possible. A customer request is they'll be inputting data, get a call (call answering required, can't finish what they were doing before answering/taking call), and can't switch to another module to handle the call, then come back to where they were inputting data unless they save and then return. This means they have to remember the customer or job order or whatever that they partially entered. Also forms have input rules and if they haven't met them, they can't close for that reason, so they would be forced to lose what the did enter. With no dialogs, they can simply keep that module open, and switch via the in application task bar to a new or another module of the same type. So ultimately, when they switch form module to module, the active modules, active form should accept the Hotkeys it accepts. So far, I've keyed off of the OnKeyDown event, and its intermittent as to when the app/form decides to handle the key presses. I don't expect anyone to solve my particular issue, I guess I'm looking for any gotcha's you've encountered and their work arounds if any, and what you do to setup keyboard shortcuts for your apps. I'm guessing my methodology with forms embedded in tabs is unique and probably "wrong". Thanks, Curt
  4. Curt Krueger

    Component installs

    Thanks for the feedback everyone. So far, I'm not a fan of VM's (in the past, the "feel" of the performance was what turned me off about them) but I think I'm changing my mind. Being pretty much ignorant (last time I used one was 2012), what's the goto VM software people use or recommend these days? Thank again, Curt
  5. Curt Krueger

    Component installs

    This may come off as a stupid question or set of questions, but wanted to know what others do for their setup, and maybe my process is wrong and is the source of a lot of pain when updating to the latest IDE when it shouldn't be. First off, all of my components I own, I have the source code for. So the overall question is, how do you install your components? Do you go with the default install from the component vendor, and leave their setup in your system and go with it? Or do you do the install, and un-do their library paths and rebuild using your own? Some other method? I don't like to have the source code of the components accessible to my app(s) unless I'm debugging said source code. A lot of vendors put the source code on the library path, and I don't like it. This usually results in duplicate dcu's popping up which is a pain point for me. Do you have your component source on your library path for your apps? This is where my insanity comes in, and you may agree with me that I'm nuts, but this is what I do: For components, I have a root directory like DX1033 and within I have a "bpl", "dcu", "dcp" and "res" directory. I put the bpl's, dcu's and dcp's from ALL of the third party components in these directories, and remove any references from the library path that the vendors put in, and remove any paths added to the environment path variable. I put the "DX103\dcu" and "DX103\res" into the library path so all future projects can find the 3rd party components. For any configuration files needed, I put those in the "dcu" directory. Once everything is in place, I get a very stable build environment. I don't get the duplicate DCU's issue, or component source pulled in and built within my main projects directories (which has bitten me a lot before this change). This is a long tedious process, usually with the IDE crashing or bugging out many times. I have many 3rd party vendors (reducing isn't an option, unless I want to get into the component writing market, which I do not). EACH vendor does their install their own way, some even think putting their BPLs in the system directory is OK, or they add their long path into the computer's environment variable (which drives me nuts). Then they add their own library paths to the Delphi environment. If I simply allow the 3rd party vendor install to do their thing, it quickly becomes painful. Component source is pulled in and built, the built can't find the right dcu, or the library paths are mucked up and I have to constantly figure out why something won't build. I very much dislike the long paths some vendors use. C:\Documents and settings\username\company name\component set name \source really? Now try doing this with 15 component vendors!! Each doing their own thing? Comments? Suggestions? Thanks, Curt
  6. Curt Krueger

    Installing Mobile on 10.3..

    I finally got the mobile to install, but now working on a path problem, the path is too long! 16 Gig memory machine, 12Tb of HD, but my path is too long (and I see a bunch of programs willy nilly put stuff there)! The problem was that I had an incorrect serial number in the license manager, I removed that, tried. No luck. I broke down and installed the damn Tokyo, Mobile showed up there for it. I re-ran the "upgrade" install from programs and features for RIO, still no mobile, I quit that. I re-ran the license manager and deleted Tokyo's serial number out of the license manager, and re-registered. This seemed to do the trick. I re-ran RIO's install and did the "Upgrade" from Programs and Features. Unfortunately, I didn't un-mount the Tokyo iso, so when I went back to install the mobile on RIO (and I figured this out, it didn't tell me it was the wrong install), it showed up, and attempted to load RIO's mobile from Tokyo's ISO. So, I had to cancel because it couldn't find a correct 7zip file, and when I re-mounted the correct ISO, I couldn't install Tokyo mobile any longer! So I un-installed RIO again (I think this was the 3rd or 4th time), re-booted, and re-installed. This time when I picked Tokyo's serial number it determined that RIO should have mobile, and the mobile installed. I did a quick "mobile" test, it shows up, I created a mini project using one of the templates and I'm getting an error on build that appears to be an issue with the path. I cleaned up the Environment path, still get the same error. I still have to look at the Android configuration, and read some more material to get back up to speed. It's probably just a platform/simulator or device issue. Thanks for your input Sue. Curt
  7. Curt Krueger

    Installing Mobile on 10.3..

    Hi Sue, No mobile platforms at all (10.3). I see Windows and MacOS, nothing else. I don't have any old projects. I looked a few years ago (5 years) and wasn't too excited about the outstanding issues (the text box had issues.. What?!), so I waited. I'm at the point now where I need mobile. It's either Delphi or Xamarin. I know WPF, and know a little about the native UI creation on both iOS and Android (but don't want to learn the whole native ecosystem for each), so if I go Xamarin, some will be harder but know that ultimately I will get things to work. Even though it's nice money wise to see mobile included with Delphi Pro now, I fail to see how they'll generate revenue to pay for the upkeep, seeing it seems they're not keeping up with all platforms now (my "gut" opinion obviously). I'm going to install 10.2, get that serial number registered, then use that serial number to update 10.3. I'm hoping that will work. Thanks, Curt
  8. Curt Krueger

    Installing Mobile on 10.3..

    I used the 10.3 ISO for the original install, and I just followed the support email instructions, and no go. They assume that every user updates to every version they publish, for reasons described below, I don't! The instructions didn't work, so it looks like I'm forced to install 10.2, only to get the mobile to work on 10.3, and uninstall 10.2. What a huge waste of time! Not happy, and it seems they don't care (installing directly without a prior install with a valid serial number is an edge case?). So at some point in time, probably very soon, I may just be history as far as a customer, I've hung on a long time where many Delphi people I know gave up years ago. I'm just so sick of the frustration, just to get started (I haven't mentioned the hell you go through to install components). I know the response from some.. Don't let the door hit me in the arse.. Thanks for your response, Curt
  9. Curt Krueger

    Installing Mobile on 10.3..

    Thanks Sue for the reply. I heard back from my support ticket, here's part of the response: To upgrade your existing 10.2 Tokyo to 10.3 Rio version please follow these steps: 1. Launch 10.2 Tokyo , and go to Help>About>License which will launch the License Manager 2. In the left pane, select your version 10.2 license 3. On the right pane under License Actions click Update option 4. The licenses will then update, and show version Delphi 10.3 Rio Professional with Mobile with Mobile in the "License Details" specifically in the "This License Activates" section. I do have a serial number from a prior addition that I tried to "Upgrade" and it shows up in the license manager. The trouble ticket said to delete that first. I'm hoping that is the issue. I don't have Tokyo installed, nor do I want to download the Tokyo 5 or 6 gig iso (or web installer equivalent ) just to run part of the "upgrade" and then un-install Tokyo just to get to the mobile portion so I'm hoping that deleting the serial number and updating will allow the mobile portion to show up. I'll follow up once I'm back at my machine to confirm the steps or state that what they wanted me to do didn't work. Regards, Curt
  10. Curt Krueger

    Installing Mobile on 10.3..

    I'm currently using Delphi 10.1 Berlin Professional (and I don't want to install 10.2 to get to 10.3), I did install the mobile pack for it (10.1), and that's currently installed. I finally getting around to trying 10.3 professional, I've installed it, it's registered, I've rebooted, etc., and want to try the latest mobile development, but not found a way to install that. I've followed the instructions here: https://community.embarcadero.com/article/articles-support/174-rad-studio/installation-registration/16617-delphi-and-c-builder-10-2-3-tokyo-professional-edition-mobile-pack-install-instructions-4 I'm using the offline installer, I've tried the "Upgrade", but all it does is either screw up the existing install of Delphi, or does absolutely nothing. Because I didn't get a serial number with my subscription renewal, I've tried the "tokyo" mobile serial number (which I generated on Embarcadero's site), no help. I've un-installed and re-installed once, I've went through the upgrade process about 4 times trying different things, etc. I don't want to install 10.2. I have a support ticket in asking what magic I need to apply, hoping to avoid the 2 or 3 day wait for a reply from them. I didn't get a serial number with for 10.3 (Delphi or "Mobile"), their instructions don't help. Any suggestions? I'm at step one of mobile evaluation (Delphi and Xamarin) now that some platform development has matured some, and I have to say, this isn't a good impression, not at all. Thanks, Curt