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Posts posted by balabuev

  1. 17 hours ago, rudy999 said:

    I get the message 'xx' component not found

    Can you please provide the exact class name? It's not the class of your menu component, but the class of menu item, right?

  2. 1 hour ago, FPiette said:

    You are freeing twice the form: Once from the OnClose because you use caFree caFree, and once when you call Free in the finally block. The second call will crash.

    Good observation, but wrong.


    Setting Action to caFree effectively executes form's Release method, which posts CM_RELEASE mesage to the message queue to perform async destroying of the form later (look at VCL source code). So, since the form including its Handle is freed with an explicit Free method in the TLogInForm.Execute, the subsequent CM_RELEASE message is ignored.


    This can be tested by overriding the message handler:

      TLogInForm = class(TForm)
        procedure CMRelease(var Message: TMessage); message CM_RELEASE;
    procedure TLogInForm.CMRelease(var Message: TMessage);


  3. 26 minutes ago, pyscripter said:

    This makes sense.

    Maybe. I do not use Auto invoke mode personally. Imho, this mode requires even more key presses than manual invoke mode. But, this is another story, not related to 10.4.2.


    Anyway, Finish incomplete properties check box should be disabled when Auto invoke is checked. Otherwise, it's confusing.


    Btw, Auto invoke does not work for me in LSP mode. Probably, this was another source of confusion.

  4. 18 minutes ago, Lars Fosdal said:

    I did some random spot checks in our code, and typing partial variable name[ctrl+space] or variable[dot] produces a selection very quickly.

    Or no, sorry. I meant another scenario:

    • Type partial name like "Canv"
    • Press Ctrl+Space to open drop-down list
    • Select "Canvas" (do not press Enter, just select the item in the list with Up/Down keys)
    • Press '.' (dot) character

    You should see 'Canvas.' in the editor. But I get only 'Canv.' instead.

  5. 10 minutes ago, Lars Fosdal said:

    It seems likely that there are certain code patterns preventing this.

    Hmm.. I'm testing on a clear VCL project, within a simple OnCreate event handler. Trying to type Can[vas]. Nothing special.

    But, it good to know, that it works for you. Can someone else check it?

  6. 10 minutes ago, Mike Torrettinni said:

    10.4.2. looked so promising at the beginning, seems like I will wait for 10.5.

    With 10.5 whole cycle will repeats :classic_biggrin:. So, 10.5.1 will be bugfull like hell, 10.5.2 - will look promising, 10.5.3 - slightly better.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1

  7. 6 minutes ago, David Heffernan said:

    You have not defined a type there. You've defined an alias. That's a crucial distinction that is very relevant for the behaviour you observe.

      TFoo = TObject;
      TBar = TDictionary<Byte, Byte>;
      a: TFoo; // Ctrl+Click here navigates to TFoo, despite it's an alias.
      b: TBar; // Ctrl+Click here navigates to TDictionary<> in Generics.Collections unit.


    • Like 1

  8. 1) I see Code Insight no more completes identifier when I type "." (dot) or any other symbol like semicolon or open round bracket in the following editor state:




    This seems to me as a big regression.


    2) Overall, this new nonblocking code insight idea is really a pain in pactise, because I have to wait each time until drop-down window is appeared (which happens with a delay) before continue typing. In the above situation in XE2, for example, I can very quickly press Ctrl+Space and then ".", and be sure that "Canvas." will be typed.  But, with async drop-down window the result depends of typing speed.




    • Sad 1

  9. I have to admit that this is one of rare cases when I cannot find the reason of issue :classic_blush:


    What I've found:


    - Upon closing the form calls DestroyWindow in its destructor to destroy self handle. As specified in MSDN, DestroyWindow destroys all children windows (recursively) and then - the window itself. And it should send WM_DESTROY messages. 

    - So, this is not Delphi stuff (no recursive itertation of children, etc) - all handles of all controls are destroyed with a single call to DestroyWindow.

    - However, WM_DESTROY is not received by the tree view. Moreover, WM_NCDESTROY message (which should be sent after WM_DESTROY) is received - and so, this is an indicator that everything is still set up at the moment (constrol exists; its handle exists and valid; its WndProc is still wired and continues to receive messages).


    So, I believe that something crazy happens recursively, which prevents DestroyWindow to do its work correctly. Maybe DestroyWindow or some other incompatible API is called second time from one of messages sent by the original DestroyWindow call - something like that.


    I've tried to Google, but was unable to find any results where people discuss mising WM_DESTROY messages.


    Another idea is that some hook (maybe even style hook) eats the message. But, unfortunately, tree view's style hook also does not receive WM_DESTROY.


    Who steal the message!!!


    • Like 1

  10. 9 hours ago, Attila Kovacs said:

    destructor TWinControl.Destroy;

    Hmm, now I cannot believe also. Will try to debug.


    Edit: These four controls - are styled scrollbars (TScrollingStyleHook.TScrollWindow).


    Edit: Workaround:

      TTreeViewFix = class(TComponent)
        FView:   TTreeView;
        FOldWnd: TWndMethod;
        procedure Notification(C: TComponent; O: TOperation); override;
        procedure WndHook(var M: TMessage);
        class procedure Apply(AView: TTreeView);
    procedure TTreeViewFix.Notification(C: TComponent; O: TOperation);
      if (C = FView) and (O = opRemove) then
        FView.WindowProc := FOldWnd;
    procedure TTreeViewFix.WndHook(var M: TMessage);
      if (M.Msg = WM_NCDESTROY) and (csDestroying in FView.ComponentState) then
    class procedure TTreeViewFix.Apply(AView: TTreeView);
      fx: TTreeViewFix;
      fx := TTreeViewFix.Create(nil);
        fx.FView         := AView;
        fx.FOldWnd       := AView.WindowProc;
        AView.WindowProc := fx.WndHook;
    procedure TMainForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);


    • Like 1

  11. 48 minutes ago, pyscripter said:


    I removed as much as possible from your demo. It's now independent from SVG image list, and refers only to standard components. I removed almost all code also.



    What is interesting: removing the bottom list view will stop the bug from occurring.


    • Like 5
    • Thanks 1

  12. 1 minute ago, pyscripter said:

    the application was compiled with the Windows default style and the error occurs when you change the style at runtime.   I think that may be significant because it causes the controls to be recreated.

    Tried this already, no luck. Btw, TTreeView with handle re-creation was always strange...
