I have created some code templates that generate the getter/setter methods as part of the property declaration.
They effectively mimic the propf, proprof and a few others. I find it quite quick.
eg, i'll type ipropg<ctrl-j> and just have to enter the name of the Property and its type and I'll end up with something like this:
function Get_Test: string;
property Test: string read Get_Test;
All I need to type was "Test" and string (although I default the type to string so I didn't need to type that).
I have a iprop<ctrl-j> shortcut which does that same but adds the setter method too:
function Get_Test2: Integer;
procedure Set_Test2(const Value: Integer);
property Test2: Integer read Get_Test2 write Set_Test2;
I just had to type Test2 and Integer accordingly...