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Lajos Juhász

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Everything posted by Lajos Juhász

  1. Lajos Juhász

    Update New Indy / TLS1_3 / FireUI Live

    There is one at the repository https://github.com/IndySockets/Indy.
  2. Lajos Juhász

    Delphi 12.2 available for download

    I have tried to search for a couple no luck for those. We couldn’t find any matches for ‘RSS-683’. Check your search for typos, or try another search term. We couldn’t find any matches for ‘RSP-42257’. Check your search for typos, or try another search term.
  3. Lajos Juhász

    Delphi 12.2 available for download

    I cannot find those tickets on the QP portal.
  4. Lajos Juhász

    Delphi 12.2 available for download

    The QP list is usually updates later.
  5. Lajos Juhász

    Delphi Datasnap Android unicode problem

    You can set mapping rules on a connection or query. In both cases you would double click the component. Select the Option menu. Check the Ignore inherited rules, in the stringgrid set the mapping from dtAnsiString to dtWideString. This will required that you change the class from TStringField to TWideStringField for the fields.
  6. According to https://www.embarcadero.com/docs/rad-studio-feature-matrix.pdf version 12.2 should greatly improove the C++ side.
  7. Lajos Juhász

    Delphi Datasnap Android unicode problem

    You can try to use a mapping rule on the Datasnap server to map AnsiString to WideString that should solve the problem.
  8. Lajos Juhász

    Delphi Datasnap Android unicode problem

    My guess is that the data in the database is written using codepage 1250. On Windows the program converts the field values from CP 1250 to UTF-16 while Android does not.
  9. No, it is not. It also breaks the deprecated code formatter. Unfortunately, we must wait until Delphi 15 to use this new feature.
  10. I am aware. Unfortunately that is thr only right way to do it. You can try to hack the system. Unfortunately that depends heavily on the memory layout and the classes current definitions as a result most probably will break with every version of the Delphi.
  11. I guess you already know the answer. Enter a ticket on the Quality Portal to request access to the fields you want. Give a good explanation why whould you want those fields to be public or protected in order to reach MFGA (Make Firemonkey Great Again).
  12. Lajos Juhász

    Use old glyph with tpngobject in 10.4?

    The glyph is an old "obsolate" property to assigning the image, also using png is an old and should not be used in modern applications. Nowdays you should use svg stored in virtual image list to be able to support various DPI settings.
  13. Lajos Juhász

    Receiving an 'Unsafe app blocked' message

    As it was mentioned earlier developing for mobile platforms is a moving target. In case of Android you have to follow the rules that Google sets every year. You cannot use the same tool for years like for Windows.
  14. Lajos Juhász

    Can Control Elements have "EventHandlers"?

    Without having more information: - If a component is placed on the form using the IDE the owner of the component is going to be the form. This can be different when the component is created runtime. - You can go using in the component hierarchy using the parent property until you find the form you are looking for.
  15. Lajos Juhász

    "Death to WITH" in your Delphi Code

    There is no need for with in your example: procedure TMyForm.UpdateInventoryItem(const NewQty: Integer); var a: <the required type>; b: <the required type>; begin a:= dmStoreInventoryData; b:= A.tblUpdateItemForStore; B.Edit; B.FieldByName('Qty').AsInteger := NewQty; B.Post; end; With will not make this code any cleaner.
  16. Lajos Juhász

    Navigator disappeared from GetIt

    Which version of Delphi?
  17. Lajos Juhász

    TreeView Grid lines

    While the component has no property you can send a message to the underlying win32 component. Everything you need is in Winapi.CommCtrl. There is a TreeView_SetLineColor to send a message.
  18. Lajos Juhász

    Delphi 2007 and XE5 Crashes on Windows 11

    Do it from Delphi 12, the License action were added after XE5.
  19. Lajos Juhász

    Delphi 2007 and XE5 Crashes on Windows 11

    I believe this was a sign that the IDE thought it was cracked? There were posts about this. Try to open LicenseManager from XE5 and refresh the license.
  20. Lajos Juhász

    Delphi 2007 and XE5 Crashes on Windows 11

    I can use Delphi XE5 on a Windows 11 without a problem. I have never tried to install Delphi 2007 on Windows 11.
  21. This is most probably going to lead to memory fragmentation. My advice is to watch the working set size in Task Manager. If the memory grows very fast change the implementation if not live with it. Having said that, I have an application that is a bridge between two databases. It is prone to a low memory fragmentation that requires that I restart it 2-3 times every year.
  22. Lajos Juhász

    WideString.c_bstr() operation in 11.2

    The solution is this thread.
  23. Delphi 12.1, MMX Code Explorer - Version 15.1.8 build 2580: [7AC6E4F2]{mmx_bds23.dll} CustomPascalExplorers.TCustomPascalModuleExplorer.ReadToken (Line 1576, "CustomPascalExplorers.pas" + 106) + $11 [5321A4D2]{rtl290.bpl } System.ErrorAt (Line 5914, "System.pas" + 3) + $4 [532203B3]{rtl290.bpl } System.@AsClass (Line 18911, "System.pas" + 3) + $5 [7AC6E4F2]{mmx_bds23.dll} CustomPascalExplorers.TCustomPascalModuleExplorer.ReadToken (Line 1576, "CustomPascalExplorers.pas" + 106) + $11 [7AC70575]{mmx_bds23.dll} DelphiExplorers.TDelphiModuleExplorer.InternalRefresh (Line 409, "DelphiExplorers.pas" + 12) + $3 [7AC6BD6B]{mmx_bds23.dll} CustomPascalExplorers.TCustomPascalModuleExplorer.DoRefresh (Line 548, "CustomPascalExplorers.pas" + 63) + $8 [7AC5CB91]{mmx_bds23.dll} ModuleExplorers.TModuleExplorer.DoRefresh (Line 406, "ModuleExplorers.pas" + 4) + $9 [7AC5CE4A]{mmx_bds23.dll} ModuleExplorers.TModuleExplorer.Refresh (Line 548, "ModuleExplorers.pas" + 0) + $2 [7AC77DF8]{mmx_bds23.dll} ModCache.TModuleCache.ImmediateRefresh (Line 1187, "ModCache.PAS" + 5) + $17 [7AC766E4]{mmx_bds23.dll} ModCache.TModuleInfo.ForceSynchronization (Line 439, "ModCache.PAS" + 6) + $7 [7AD41CC5]{mmx_bds23.dll} MMXModLinks.TMMXModuleLink.ForceSynchronization (Line 270, "MMXModLinks.pas" + 1) + $9 [7ADF14A6]{mmx_bds23.dll} DelphiTopModTrackers.TDelphiTopModuleTracker.IDEModuleSaved (Line 112, "DelphiTopModTrackers.pas" + 😎 + $5 [7AD6D04F]{mmx_bds23.dll} OTANotifiers.TOTANotifications.ModuleSaved (Line 677, "OTANotifiers.PAS" + 6) + $6 [7AD6C14F]{mmx_bds23.dll} OTANotifiers.TOTANotifier.AfterSave (Line 230, "OTANotifiers.PAS" + 2) + $E I hope this can help to identify a bug. This is a first time it happened to me.
  24. Lajos Juhász

    Show executable size after successful build?

    That is why I should be interested in the size of executable to not be get beaten by you? Strange but okay. Now please ASAP implement to show the size of executable on compile!
  25. Lajos Juhász

    Show executable size after successful build?

    In that case, you should answer to us the important question. Why would anyone care after every compile on the size of an executable file. We are eager to find out the reasons. It is now the most important topic on this forum and our questions remain unanswered.