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Lajos Juhász

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Everything posted by Lajos Juhász

  1. A sample application that we can compile as a 64 and 32 bit would help us to help you. We can only suggest that you make improvements in your code.
  2. Lajos Juhász

    Suggestion for next version name - YASAB

    You should include the version you are using also what is installed in the IDE. For me the IDE is fast and working ok during the day. Using Delphi 12.1 only with MMX. During the day it maybe stucks only 1-3 times.
  3. Lajos Juhász

    Make a TMemo.seltext modification cancellable by the user

    It was introduced recently. Delphi XE5 does not have it yet.
  4. Lajos Juhász

    Make a TMemo.seltext modification cancellable by the user

    It is an easy to debug. You have to set the CanUndoSelText property to true. https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/Libraries/Alexandria/en/Vcl.StdCtrls.TCustomEdit.CanUndoSelText
  5. Lajos Juhász

    Variable might not have been initialized

    We already know that it is not defined in case when FWorkOrderManager.GetWorkOrderDataByIndex(WorkOrdersSelectedRow - 1, Data) returns false.
  6. Lajos Juhász

    What happened to OmniThreadLibrary.com

    I cannot access it,
  7. A change in the test procedure will cause an access violation in D12.1 if compiled as win32, win64 will not cause error: procedure Test; var dt: TDateTime; Proc1,Proc2:TDoSomethingProc; begin Proc1 := @DoSomething; Proc2 := @DoSomething2; Proc1(dt); WriteLn(DateTimeToStr(dt)); Proc2(dt); WriteLn(DateTimeToStr(dt)); end;
  8. Unfortunately this is not implemented yet. You would have to enter a QP request.
  9. Lajos Juhász

    Upgrade from delphi 6 to delphi12

    2. Depends on the third-party components used in the project. 3. We do not know how the old application was connected to the database. Nowadays FireDAC is the recommended (default) DB access library in Delphi. 4. The best advice is to hire an UI expert to help to redesign the UI.
  10. Lajos Juhász

    Looking for Best Book for FMX UI Design

    UI design is not bound to the component set you are using or even the programming language. You should follow the OS guidelines.
  11. Refind is quite capable to help to migrate other components not only FireDAC.
  12. Lajos Juhász

    Refactoring in Delphi

    That should be the best scenario. He knows where are the problems and as a manager should be able to allocate resources to solve the problem.
  13. As any other company they need income to pay their bills,vages and profit to shareholders. To make the product more modular for some reason did not worked out for them. They have tried with the database add-on. While that would be good for us. This would be increase the price. It is not always easy to backport bug fixes due to interface changes in the source code. Embarcadero still not able to test a single release good enough to release the new versions withous some serious bugs (eg. most of the customers will not release any program compiled with 0 version). The company I am working for has a similair policy. A client can pay to get a change to be backported to his version only if that doesn't require too much code to change and we can test the product integrity after the change, otherwise the change can be delivered with a version upgrade.
  14. Lajos Juhász

    Showing TMenuItem icons at design time in the IDE

    I see no reason why it was not implemented yet.
  15. Lajos Juhász

    Showing TMenuItem icons at design time in the IDE

    You can file a new feature request at QP.
  16. Lajos Juhász

    Refactoring in Delphi

    IMHO GetIt is the right choice to destroy any library. I see no benefit from it, just limits the choice for no benefit.
  17. Lajos Juhász

    Refactoring in Delphi

    I can bet that Embarcadero would not support older versions of the Delphi. You would have to use the latest version of the IDE to have the latest version of MMX. The only thing that could be better in theory is integration. They would see what could be improved to make it work better. On the other hand, it does not work for the Bookmarks or the Parallel debugger or even for the KSVC.
  18. Embarcadero made a bad decision to support more and more platforms without proper preparation. Now we have to pay the price that they have to replace everything as it is impossible to support those changing platforms. Combine that with the fact that the 32 bit compiler has also an ancient architecture that should be replaced.
  19. Lajos Juhász

    Embarcadero Developer Network - Status Inquiry

    Yes, both of them are history.
  20. Lajos Juhász

    RAD Studio v12.1 Toolbars Wonky Behavior

    I am glad that I am not the only who have had this issue. Using IDE on multiple monitors is not reliable. I am using that way only when I have to debug High-DPI or multi monitor setup, otherwise the IDE is on my secondary 2k monitor and laptop display is turned off.
  21. Lajos Juhász

    StrToDate cannot handle dd-MMM-yy format

    Nothing was changed 01/01/1970 required date format dd/mm/yyyy. Tested with Delphi XE5: var f: TFormatSettings; begin f:=TFormatSettings.Create; f.ShortDateFormat:='dd/mm/yyyy'; f.DateSeparator:='/'; StrToDate('01011970', f); end; The result is as expected --------------------------- Debugger Exception Notification --------------------------- Project Project1.exe raised exception class EConvertError with message ''01011970' is not a valid date'. --------------------------- Break Continue Help ---------------------------
  22. The bug report is about a bad address F1 will land, itt will try to load: https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/Libraries/Updates/en/Vcl.FileCtrl.SelectDirectory. I know anyone can Google for the correct documentation, but F1 should work as expected (to point to a valid location). 1.) Open Vcl.FileCtrl.pas 2.) Line 2294 hit F1 for SelectDirectory. 3.) In the RAD Studio Topics help select Vcl.FileCtrl.SelectDirectory 4.) The default browser will open docwiki page https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/Libraries/Updates/en/Vcl.FileCtrl.SelectDirectory
  23. There is a QP ticked for similair issue - https://embt.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/1/RSS-534
  24. Lajos Juhász

    RAD Studio 12 Update 1 IDE Instability

    I can confirm this part. I am using an intel cpu.