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Lajos Juhász

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Everything posted by Lajos Juhász

  1. https://blog.marcocantu.com/blog/2014_may_background_delphi_android_threads.html
  2. Lajos Juhász

    SynEdit Accessibility Support

    Thank you pyscripter for the enormous work on synedit.
  3. Lajos Juhász

    Is there a Sunday between 2 dates ?

    you can ask AI to write this code. An anser from Bing function IsSundayBetween(StartDate, EndDate: TDateTime): Boolean; var Day: TDateTime; begin Result := False; // assume there is no Sunday between the dates Day := StartDate; // start from the start date while Day <= EndDate do // loop until the end date begin if DayOfWeek(Day) = 1 then // check if the day is Sunday begin Result := True; // set the result to true Break; // exit the loop end; Day := Day + 1; // increment the day by one end; end;
  4. Lajos Juhász

    Linux Issues: unsupported DW_FORM value: 0x1f

    there is an open RSP - https://quality.embarcadero.com/browse/RSP-39793.
  5. There is one acient technique: https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Alexandria/en/Testing_Installed_Components
  6. Lajos Juhász

    delphi Twebbrowser Javascript error

  7. Lajos Juhász

    'for i:= 0 to 4' does 6 loops when not in Debug mode

    My guess is different memory layout in debug and release mode. That's why the code inserted to debug changed the behaviour of the bug.
  8. Lajos Juhász

    Setting Font Color on certain controls

    If you enable Runtime Themes you delegate the drawing for some components to Windows and the colors from the Active Windows Theme is used. In ancient versions of Delphi this was done through XPManifest. You can use VCL Styles to customize the drawing.
  9. Lajos Juhász

    0/0 => EInvalidOp or NAN ?

    var x: real; begin SetExceptionMask(exAllArithmeticExceptions); x:=0/0 ; showmessage(FloatToStr(x)); Most probably some dll changes the exception mask.
  10. Lajos Juhász

    File Search

    One possible reasould could be that FindFirst would not return subfolders that doesn't match the pattern. If agree there are bugs for example (SR.Attr and faDirectory) = SR.Attr should be (SR.Attr and faDirectory) = faDirectory
  11. Lajos Juhász

    File Search

    Your code is working for me. A note that you're leaking memory findfirst will allocate some memory and that must be released with FindClose(SR). Also you should never write Form1.Listbox1.
  12. Lajos Juhász

    Delphi Professional Database Connectivity

    it's already discontinued product )
  13. Lajos Juhász

    TMainMenu shortcut key not working

    I've never tested myself. A google search returned posts from 2001 that this is how MS Windows is designed: http://www.delphigroups.info/2/63/320384.html.
  14. Lajos Juhász

    set of object instances

    the original post doesn't said if it's a multiset or not.
  15. Lajos Juhász

    set of object instances

    The list would contain the control twice (like a multiset). If you don't want an object twice you can before add check indexof.
  16. Lajos Juhász

    set of object instances

    You could also use a generic list? That also has everything you wrote above.
  17. Lajos Juhász

    Intercept "WM_COPY" on Windows

    I believe in Delphi you should use TDataObject.
  18. Lajos Juhász

    iOS_64 linking problem

    The legal way is to file a bug report at https://quality.embarcadero.com/secure/Dashboard.jspa. The trial is valid for 30 days you can use that while it's valid and hope that embarcadero will release a patch for the CE edition or state clearly that it should not contain these files.
  19. Lajos Juhász

    How To Debug This Memory Leak?

    I would install the fulll fastmm4 version from https://github.com/pleriche/FastMM4 and enable LogMemoryLeakDetailToFile and FullDebugMode.
  20. Lajos Juhász

    OpenToolsAPI challenge.

    It should be possible with Delphi 11.3 https://github.com/Embarcadero/RADStudio11Demos/tree/main/Object Pascal/ToolsAPI/Editor Demos
  21. Lajos Juhász

    Strange one with zLib..

    Most probably one of other units define the TCompressionStream class. You can try to rearange your uses statement or prefix the classname with the unitname.
  22. Lajos Juhász

    How convert an android app into an i-phone app?

    I've tried Bing if I ask how to convert a Delphi application the anser is: Hello, this is Bing. I can help you with your question. blush There are different tools and methods to convert an Android app to an iOS app, depending on your requirements and preferences. One possible tool is MechDomehttps://www.devteam.space/blog/convert-android-app-to-ios/, which allows you to upload your compiled Android APK and select whether you want to create an iOS app for a simulator or a real iOS device. It will then convert your Android app to an iOS app very quicklyhttps://www.devteam.space/blog/convert-android-app-to-ios/. Another possible method is to use Kotlin Multiplatformhttps://kotlinlang.org/docs/multiplatform-mobile-integrate-in-existing-app.html, which is a language and a set of tools for creating cross-platform applications that work on both Android and iOS. You can use Kotlin Multiplatform to write your business logic once and reuse it for both platforms, while keeping the native UI for each platform. You can also use existing libraries and frameworks for both Android and iOS in your Kotlin codehttps://kotlinlang.org/docs/multiplatform-mobile-integrate-in-existing-app.html. A third possible method is to use Delphihttps://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Sydney/en/Mobile_Tutorial:_Creating_an_Application_for_Mobile_Platforms_%28iOS_and_Android%29, which is a programming language and an IDE that supports creating multi-device applications for Android and iOS. You can use Delphi to design your user interface with reusable components, write your code in Delphi or C++, and deploy your app to either platform with minimal changeshttps://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Sydney/en/Mobile_Tutorial:_Creating_an_Application_for_Mobile_Platforms_%28iOS_and_Android%29. These are some of the possible ways to convert an Android app to an iOS app, but there may be others depending on your specific needs and preferences. I hope this information was helpful to you. https://www.devteam.space/blog/convert-android-app-to-ios/ https://kotlinlang.org/docs/multiplatform-mobile-integrate-in-existing-app.html For the question how to convert an application in the answer it doesn't mention Delphi: Hello, this is Bing. I can help you with your question. blush There are different ways to convert an Android app to an iPhone app, depending on your requirements and preferences. One possible way is to use the Move to iOS apphttps://support.apple.com/en-au/HT201196, which helps you transfer your content from your Android device to your new iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch. You can transfer your contacts, message history, photos, videos, web bookmarks, mail accounts, calendars, and some of your appshttps://support.apple.com/en-au/HT201196. Another possible way is to use Kotlin Multiplatformhttps://kotlinlang.org/docs/multiplatform-mobile-integrate-in-existing-app.html, which is a language and a set of tools for creating cross-platform applications that work on both Android and iOS. You can use Kotlin Multiplatform to write your business logic once and reuse it for both platforms, while keeping the native UI for each platform. You can also use existing libraries and frameworks for both Android and iOS in your Kotlin codehttps://kotlinlang.org/docs/multiplatform-mobile-integrate-in-existing-app.html. A third possible way is to use MechDomehttps://www.devteam.space/blog/convert-android-app-to-ios/, which allows you to upload your compiled Android APK and select whether you want to create an iOS app for a simulator or a real iOS device. It will then convert your Android app to an iOS app very quicklyhttps://www.devteam.space/blog/convert-android-app-to-ios/. These are some of the possible ways to convert an Android app to an iPhone app, but there may be others depending on your specific needs and preferences. I hope this information was helpful to you. https://support.apple.com/en-au/HT201196 https://kotlinlang.org/docs/multiplatform-mobile-integrate-in-existing-app.html https://www.devteam.space/blog/convert-android-app-to-ios/
  23. Lajos Juhász

    How convert an android app into an i-phone app?

    Why is that required, why not use Delphi?
  24. Lajos Juhász

    Sorting two lists in step?

    For this task the only proper solution can be done using webserver and python that would enable the application to work fast.
  25. Lajos Juhász

    Something like SimpleNote with an API?

    Instead of application you could use Google Sheets and Google Docs.