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Lajos Juhász

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Posts posted by Lajos Juhász

  1. I've spent a day using the new IDE. The Access Violations while building the project group still there. What's new for me is that once I got an error that some component already exists and compiling stopped working.


    The plus side is that I was able to move some code base from D10.4.2 to D11 very easily. There was only a few data type changes in the methods in the RTL that required changes in my code.

  2. 2 hours ago, Fr0sT.Brutal said:

    Yeah, these ones are dumb remnants. Things are changing with string helper though. Alas, for new compilers only. I wonder why Emba didn't declare these functions as XXX(string) naturally and declare AnsiXXX(string) as deprecated aliases. Instead we got something crazy like 64-bit System32 & 32-bit SysWOW64

    They left the function names to make the codebase compatible with pre D2009 versions. Some libraries unfortunately still support those versions. 

  3. On 9/12/2021 at 11:38 AM, Ralf7 said:

    If Window 11 doesn't work, just don't take it.

    If you don't upgrade your computer to Windows 11 how do you test if your application works correctly or not? Please don't tell me that you force all of your users not to upgrade and not to buy a new computer with Windows 11 OS.

  4. 1 hour ago, Roger Cigol said:

    The link for a RAD Studio 11 preview is Desktopfirst summit - rad studio 11 preview

    That's not the complete product preview only contains information about user interface. The full preview is going to be tomorrow:

    Have you registered yet? RAD Studio 11, Delphi 11, and C++Builder 11 are just around the corner! Join Marco, David, and Jim for this sneak peek at this huge leap forward in your favorite development tools. September 9th at 9 AM / 1 PM / 6 PM CDT. Register here: https://embt.co/SneakPeek-RAD11

  5. 18 minutes ago, HTMLValidator.com said:

    or by some "magic" maybe they will fix C++ Code Insight in 11 and I won't have to waste time on it..

    What's done for version 11 is secret only for the next two days. I believe after that @David Millington

    or @Marco Cantu can give you more details here or you can ask on the webinar. Unfortunately I will have to skip this product preview.


  6. If you have invisible tabsheets you cannot write anymore:  XTabSheet:=PC1.Pages[TabIndex];

    You've to find in a pages the index that contains the TabSheet with Tabindex. Something like this:

    procedure TMainForm.PC1DrawTab(Control: TCustomTabControl;
      TabIndex: Integer; const Rect: TRect; Active: Boolean);
      XTabSheet: TTabSheet;
      XRect: TRect;
      FormColor: String;
      lpc: TPageControl;
      i: integer;
      if Active  then
      end else
        FormColor :=dm.SettingsFormColor.AsString;
        if MatchText(FormColor,['Windows','Gray']) then
        Control.Canvas.Brush.Color:=$003C3838 else 
        if MatchText(FormColor,['Brown','Light Brown']) then
      lpc:=Control as Tpagecontrol;
      while (XTabSheet=nil) and (i<lpc.PageCount) do
        if lpc.pages[i].TabIndex=TabIndex then
      PChar(XTabSheet.Caption), length(XTabSheet.Caption),


  7. 10 hours ago, aehimself said:

    After some time investigating the issue I found out that custom property editors are causing this. We had about 4, removing one from the package caused the Internal Error to simply point to a different one.


    I have a theory which I will test out during the upcoming week(s). Will post an update once I have any news...

    I fought a similar problem  couple of years ago. In that case for reason that the package contained too much "something" that Windows or Delphi was unable to handle after moving to newer version of Delphi. The solution was to break the package into two.

  8. Locate

    12 hours ago, Halil Han Badem said:

    if ContainsStr(FieldByName(Column).Value, Value) then

    This is a bad idea for two reasons:


    1.) What will happen when the value is null? It will fail with message that Delphi cannot convert the null to string.
    2.) Why would you like to find the field for every record. You should find it before wile and store it in a local variable and use that instead.



    • Confused 1

  9. 23 minutes ago, Fr0sT.Brutal said:

    1 Tb of SSD is still too expensive

    Define too expensive. (WD Purple 3,5" 1TB costs about 47.58€ and it's only at 5400 RPM, the faster WD Black 3,5" 1TB  costs 77,41€. For SSD we can take for example Samsung 870 QVO 1TB SSD (MZ-77Q1T0BW, SATA 6 Gb/s) costs 106.09€ for me it's not a huge difference.)

  10. 46 minutes ago, sw4all said:

    I see one more error and that is that the procedure still creates more and more buttons.

    It's not an error, it's how you've coded to create a new button in every paint event. Instead of that I would use the inbuild feature of the dbgrid.


    On you column set ButtonStyle to cbsEllipsis then you can place your in the OnEditButtonClick event of the grid.



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  11. 1 hour ago, Dalija Prasnikar said:

    Unfortunately, that roadmap is pretty much obsolete, there is no newer one and anyone who knows what is cooking is not at liberty to say.

    It's not obsolete I received as the answer from Embarcadero a couple of months ago when asked on a webinar. They feel there is no need to inform us ahead. I wonder do they actually have a plan what they would like to deliver in Delphi 11?

    • Confused 1