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Lajos Juhász

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Posts posted by Lajos Juhász

  1. 10 minutes ago, FPiette said:

    So everybody will perfectly understand how long 2 months and 5 days from now represent. IMO better that 66 days.

    According to Delphi it's not 66 days but 67:

    Date: 15.02.2021
    Days between: 67


    program Project1;
    {$R *.res}
      System.SysUtils, System.DateUtils;
    var X: Tdate;
        { TODO -oUser -cConsole Main : Insert code here }
       x:=IncDay(IncMonth(now, 2), 5);
       WriteLn('Date: '+DateToStr(x));
       WriteLn('Days between: '+IntToStr(DaysBetween(x, now)));
        on E: Exception do
          Writeln(E.ClassName, ': ', E.Message);


  2. According to the Roadmap (https://blogs.embarcadero.com/rad-studio-roadmap-november-2020/) in Delphi 10.5  H2 2021  you can expect a better support for the M1 CPU. In the roadmap it's under Platform Enhancements macOS ARM (Delphi).


    Of course as ever please do not forget this is only planned. There is no legal bound that it will be delivered in the first release of Delphi 10.5. 

    A more detail can be found also at https://blogs.embarcadero.com/rad-studio-november-2020-roadmap-pm-commentary/


    For 10.5, we plan to introduce a new target platform for Delphi, macOS ARM (based on Apple Silicon CPUs), significant work around IDE HighDPI support, C++ toolchain extensions, and many other additional features and quality enhancements. See below for more details.  


    Marco’s Commentary of 10.5 Plans

    Speaking of platforms, we want to add a new target for Delphi applications: a new compiler for the ARM-based version of the macOS operating system with Apple hardware powered by Apple Silicon CPUs. While you can run Intel applications, the goal is to have a native ARM application for the new generation of Macs.

    This will be a significant extension of Delphi, including a new compiler, updates to the runtime library and the various high level libraries. We have also plans to expand the Delphi language syntax for all platforms and improve the performance of the math processing code the compiler generates on Windows, making applications faster in numeric processing.

    At this moment the best you can do is to wait for the first beta for Delphi 10.5.

  3. Quote

    So everything looks OK no ?

    Technically there is no problem. However it could be improved:


    1.) When _NewUnicodeString failes due to CharLength instead of _IntOver it should raise a more meaningful exception. For example: You cannot create string length of %d.

    2.) The overflow occurs in GetTextStr. When debugging a 32 bit application you get the following call stack:

    :766f9ab2 KERNELBASE.RaiseException + 0x62


    SaveToStream is focused, this almost ok as this method calls GetTextStr. I've tried again to run the 64 bit version and I get a different call stack this time:

    System._UStrFromPWCharLen('',nil {#0},???)

    The IDE focuses System._IntOver instead of System._NewUnicodeString.  

  4. Now back to the original problem. This is the limitation of Delphi strings. You cannot allocate string larger than: (MaxInt - SizeOf(StrRec)) div SizeOf(WideChar) = 1073741815.


    Unfortunately, internally TStringList first tries to convert its content to string and using TEncoding to a byte array. That's why it is not suitable to work with large volume of text.

  5. 22 minutes ago, David Heffernan said:

    Is your executable compiled with the overflow checks compiler option enabled? 

    It's quite easy to test. I've tested using:

    procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
    var i: integer;
      while true do
      ShowMessage('Completed. The result is:'+i.ToString);


    When tested using the 64 bit the call stack is:

    :00007FF965893E49 ; C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNELBASE.dll
    System.TObject.Dispatch((no value))


    But it's not bad, double click on the mainFRM.Tform1.Button1Click and the debugger focues where the 32 bit debugger does, so it's just an extra step.

  6. You are not adding WSNO as I wrote earlier you're adding a pointer to an address of a string returned by a function. You cannot do that. You should try something like this:


    procedure TForm1.DBGrid2ColEnter(Sender: TObject);
    if DBGrid2.SelectedField <> CDS1.FieldByName('WSNAME') then Exit;
    while not MyQry.Eof do
    procedure TForm1.DBGrid2ColExit(Sender: TObject);
      var  Inx:Integer;
      if DBGrid2.SelectedField <>CDS1.FieldByName('WSNAME') then Exit;
      Inx:= DBGrid2.Columns[ColIndex].PickList.IndexOf(DBGrid2.SelectedField.asString);


  7. There are multiple problems in your code:

    1.) It's not a good idea to add the address value of a return value of a function - Pointer(MyQry.Fields[0].AsString) 
    2.) .PickList.IndexOf('WSNAME') you are searching the index for string 'WSNAME' while you most probably meant to search the index for the value of the selected field: DBGrid2.Columns[2].PickList.


  8. type
      Texample = class
        findex: integer;
        constructor Create; reintroduce;
       property Index: integer read fIndex write fIndex default -1;
    constructor TExample.create;

    If it's a published property you should use the default directive (when the value of the published property equals to it's default value it's not streamed to the dfm). Even if you set the default directive it's the job of the constructor to initialize the field value.

  9. Let's return the focus on the original question. In the IDE the blue dots represents the lines of codes that might be executed (http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Sydney/en/Debugging_the_Application_(IDE_Tutorial).

    IMHO nobody should expect the IDE will keep which method is where used (especially if you have a project with thousands of units). Another problem could be if you debug a code in a package. There you can have public methods that are used exclusively only from outside of the package. If the IDE would place blue dots only to reachable code from the  active project you would be unable to debug those procedures.


  10. Maybe read the help (you should use Last):

    FindLast is intended to be used together with FindPrior, FindFirst and FindNext in order to search for the last record using any filters. See the example.


    Descendant classes override FindLast to make the last record active, honoring any filters that are in effect. In descendants, FindLast returns true:

    • True -- if the active record is successfully changed.
    • False -- if the active record is not successfully changed.

  11. I asked this question in the FB Delphi developer group. Bruce McGee answered a month ago: "It's in the works". I have no idea whenever he has some insider information about it or not.

    It would be really useful to know when we can expect the hotfix for the compiler error in 10.4.1.


  12. Are you loooking for this http://docs.embarcadero.com/products/rad_studio/delphiAndcpp2009/HelpUpdate2/EN/html/devcommon/compdirsscopedenums_xml.html ?

    The $SCOPEDENUMS directive enables or disables the use of scoped enumerations in Delphi code. More specifically, $SCOPEDENUMS affects only definitions of new enumerations, and only controls the addition of the enumeration's value symbols to the global scope.  

    In the {$SCOPEDENUMS ON} state, enumerations are scoped, and enum values are not added to the global scope. To specify a member of a scoped enum, you must include the type of the enum. For example:


      THTMLType = (htTemplate, htStatic, htHeader, htCustom);

    vHtmlReportType:=THTMLType.htTemplate; // Ok


    vHtmlReportType:=htTemplate; // [dcc32 Error] Unit1.pas(35): E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'htStatic'


  13. 20 hours ago, Jacek Laskowski said:

    from documentatio9n:


    "The ConnectionName property value must be specified before Prepare call. If it matches the name of one of connection definitions, then FireDAC will transparently create connection object and link the dataset with it. "

    I don't know where is this written in the documentation. However, of course this is true only for the first time. Like in BDE,as FD was designed to replace BDE, later when you give the same connectionname it will use the already created connection. There is no reason to create a connection for every single query as it would be inneficient with databases.

    You can check it simple using code:

     FDQuery1.Connection.Name:='Test'; // Just to give a name.



     if FDQuery1.connection=fdQuery2.Connection then

        ShowMessage('FDQuery1 shares the connection with FDQuery2.');

  14. This is the documented behavior: http://docs.embarcadero.com/products/rad_studio/firedac/frames.html?frmname=topic&amp;frmfile=Multi_Threading.html.

    FireDAC is thread-safe, when the following conditions are meat:

    • A connection object and all associated with it objects (like TADQuery, TADTransaction, etc) in each moment of time must be used by a single thread.
    • ADManager must be activated before threads will start by setting ADManager.Active to True.

    Means, after a thread opened a query, and until its processing is not finished, application cannot use this query and connection objects in an other thread. Or, after a thread started a transaction, and until it is not finished, application cannot use this transaction and connection objects in an other thread. 

    Practically this means an application must serialize access to a connection across all threads, and that is not a convenient technique. Breaking these rules may lead to misbehavior, AV's and errors like the SQL Server error "Connection is busy with results for another command". 

  15. On 9/16/2020 at 2:53 PM, Uwe Raabe said:

    Perhaps a simple "Open as text" in the context menu of a DFM in the project manager may be sufficient.

    It's already possible file - open enter or select the desired dfm (if you enter the filename you must add the .dfm extenstion). The IDE will open the file as text. It will just not focus the invalid lines.

  16. Did anyone else tried to use TDEVentAlerter on Informix? I have installed the DBMS_ALERT and setup everything. When the component tried to register itself the error is:


    When the Event alerter tries to execute:

    EXECUTE PROCEDURE DBMS_ALERT_WAITANY(:name, :message, :status, :timeout)", ATimes=0, AOffset=0]


    The error message is:

    [FireDAC][Phys][ODBC][Informix][Informix ODBC Driver][Informix]Argument must be a Statement Local Variable or SPL variable or argument for an
    OUT or INOUT parameter.


    Delphi 10.4.1 there is on RSP-30452.
