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  1. User-69

    Any Known Issues with ZCompressStream?

    Today I investigated similar topic. I figured out that zlib writes the adler32 checksum to the file, but the implementation never checks them. So any flipped bit causes such issues. I did not found an easy way to implement the error check as you need to do that in zLib.pas. Here is explaind where to find the checksum in the file (ist simply msbfirst, so you can easyly read thet strait forward). only in german. https://www.gocher.me/GZIP The current adler32 checksum can be get while debugging.
  2. User-69

    Taborder - no sort at start

    I tried to change the tab order with the gexpert. I did set the option for open the expert to ´no sort´ but unfortunately the sort order is not the same as in delphi set. can this be fixed. I like the feature to see the full form sort order, but I must sort it manually. thanks
  3. User-69

    Strange text effect

    This still happens in Delphi Sydney 10.4.1 I use the dll from 5th September 2020.