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Everything posted by TigerLilly

  1. TigerLilly

    What new features would you like to see in Delphi 13?

    No, no tool I know of. But I often wanted, when editing, to have a window where - without any interaction from my side - in formation about the context I am in, is shown. Some of this is already avail, but cluttered around: - current method/class - type definition - qs metrics (already initalized, created, defined, ..., code metrics) - hints (remember to free, ...) - references inside, outside One more thing, I valued much, long ago (MicroFocus Cobol Debugger :- ) The ability to restrict the level of step into when using F7.
  2. TigerLilly

    What new features would you like to see in Delphi 13?

    - Allow configuration of all Short-Cuts (including 3rd party) - PreProzessor - enhanced source code navigation, eg "live" window with references - AI integration for search in Delphi docs and references - AI integration like Google NoteBookLM for internal docs and internal source code
  3. TigerLilly

    Putting Delphi Application inside web page

    I too tried to get some pricing infos. But they insist on having a call, getting details on the project (kind of "validating") and are not willing to outline any licensing infos without that. @Ian Branch Do you use that system on a daily basis? Are you willing to share some background infos, eg number of users, kind of software, hardware requs?
  4. TigerLilly

    ANN: HTMl Library 4.9 released. WebUI and more

    Impressive. Wow.
  5. First advice: Measure. Without measurement, you are blind. NexusQA has a method profiler, that shows you, what methods are called, how many times and how much time is spent. Once you have this data, you can identify bottlenecks. Besides this: What usually increases performance a lot: - sorting and filtering done not at the client but on server side - caching data - avoiding disk access
  6. TigerLilly

    Looking for Best Book for FMX UI Design

    Additionally: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/appuistart/getting-started-developing-user-interfaces-portal https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/appuistart/-user-interface-principles https://developer.apple.com/design/human-interface-guidelines https://developer.apple.com/design/tips/
  7. TigerLilly

    Looking for Best Book for FMX UI Design

    No need to buy a book. Google for "principles of modern ui ux design" and there is a bunch of info. Additionally there are how-tos and guidelines from both Microsoft and Apple publically available.
  8. TigerLilly

    New Grep Expert in GExperts - need a name

    TurboGrep GrepX XGrep FlashGrep
  9. TigerLilly

    Request help from kbm/Component4Developers

    Today is June, 23rd, you requested the licenses June, 22nd and 21st. So technically "a few days ago" is not correct. Give them a bit more time, I remeber, that my licenses needed indeed a few days to be activated.
  10. TigerLilly

    Compile fails (due to path length?)

    BrccCompile fails with ..\..\images\GXIcons.rc : error : Error Could not open input file C:\RAD_Lib\GExperts\Projects\DelphiXx110Alexandria\FN C.RC This is misleading error, because there is no FNC.RC. Is there a limitation for the -ic<path> with BrccCompile? My path is quite long and this is the only explanation I find, why thos error could occur. Any idea, how I can work around this? Or am I missing something? Thanks fpr every hint!
  11. TigerLilly

    Compile fails (due to path length?)

    Cleaned up the search path and because I had some spare time updated al my components. And now the compile finishes without error. So , no, there is AFAIK no length problem with BrccCompile. Unforunately I have no idea, what was the cure. :- (
  12. TigerLilly

    Automating Delphi FMX based application

    https://powerautomate.microsoft.com And maybe Testdriver from https://www.nexusdb.com/support/index.php?q=node/27156
  13. TigerLilly


    I have information from a customer that the message "EResNotFound Ressource PREVIEWGLYPH not found" is sometimes thrown as an exception when creating a form. But this is not reproducible and not always/often/with every user. I have not had this with any other customers. The software is operated via terminal server on several TS with load balancing. Doesn't depend on the actual TS either. I don't understand how the message can come up at all. The resource is there or not. AFAIK the ressource belongs to TopenPicDialog, if this helps. Thanks for any hints!
  14. TigerLilly


    The resource is there. The form can be created in the IDE and at runtime, except sometimes. But anyway, I will work around the TOpenDialog and willl wait what will happen.
  15. TigerLilly

    Update an application automatically

    Although I have no personal experience with: https://components4developers.blog/2020/05/25/kbmmwclientupdate-1/
  16. TigerLilly

    Can anybody confirm, pls

    - manually rebuild latest GExperts - Start D11.1 - show GExperts config dialog + close with ok - in the Delphi code editor click right mouse for popup menu --> there is a bit of delay and then Delphi exits without any message or error tx!
  17. ChatGPT does not _understand_ the question, nor does it _understand_ its own answer. ChatGPT tries to detect some kind of pattern, the question fits in and generates an answer, again dpending of patterns. While ChatGPT is astonishingly good at both, patterns tend to have kind of grey areas where information is not exakt or not right. So it is quite easy to make ChatGPT give complete nonsense answers. So both Nietzsche as well as Beethoven are named as Austrian people. Restricting the question to living Austrians is funny enough: Tell me some famous Austrian people. Some famous people who are from Austria include: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (composer) Arnold Schwarzenegger (actor and politician) Sigmund Freud (psychologist) Gustav Klimt (artist) Friedrich Nietzsche (philosopher) Ludwig van Beethoven (composer) Adolf Hitler (politician) Josef Hoffmann (architect and designer) Franz Schubert (composer) Maria von Trapp (singing family made famous by the movie "The Sound of Music") Bernd Maierhofer Living ones! Sure, here are some famous living Austrians: Thomas Klestil (former President of Austria) Gerard Mortier (opera director) Elfriede Jelinek (Nobel Prize-winning author) Michael Haneke (film director) Helmut Marko (Formula 1 racing official) Andreas Maislinger (founder of the Austrian Holocaust Memorial Service) Wolfgang Puck (chef and restaurateur) Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (alpine skier) Christina Aguilera (singer and actress) Alain Prost (Formula 1 racing driver) Thomas Klestil died in 2004. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe definintely is nor was an alpine skier. So here are 5 answers wrong.
  18. In fact, there is: http://midaconverter.com/ https://www.fmxexpress.com/convert-your-delphi-vcl-apps-to-firemonkey-with-mida/
  19. TigerLilly

    Looking for a localization tool

    At the moment, I have no experiences with that: https://components4developers.blog/tag/i18n/
  20. TigerLilly

    How to force update to label during a loop

    Maybe this helps a bit: https://learndelphi.org/how-to-improve-gui-and-make-it-more-responsive-using-background-thread/
  21. TigerLilly

    Anyone using an open-source ORM?

    We now live in 2022 - the article dates back to 2004. Things have evolved in the meantime. Mormot is open source and does a good job. There are commercial products too, Aurelius to mention one, I personally know. There is a learning curve, but it´s worth.
  22. Has anyone already worked with these two and is willing to share experiences? trx!
  23. TigerLilly

    SmartBinding and SmartEvent/kbMW

    I´m curiuos, who is using these parts and what the experiences are. Learning curve, doc, support.
  24. For me the timer did the trick, because so I can do a retry to close.