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  1. Jurandi

    Call a D7 dll from C#

    Hello Remy. Thank you very much for the examples. Both worked well. Have a good week. Hugs.
  2. Jurandi

    Call a D7 dll from C#

    Hello everyone. I have a dll made in delphi 7 where the parameters are of type PChar. Calling it in a delphi program works ok. How to declare and use it in a C # program. Ex delphi dll: Function Mostra_Msg (Parmsg: PChar): LongBool; export; // stdcall begin Result: = True; ShowMessage ('String Passed =' + Strpas (parmsg)); end; Thank you.
  3. Jurandi

    Delphi with T SQL

    T-Sql is the language for handling an MsSql database. If you want to do an ms-sql stored procedure to use in delphi or other language it should be in t-sql. If it were an Oracle DB it would be PlSql. In time: T-Sql is nothing old. Learn it. You just have to win. Sorry by my poor english.