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Everything posted by Chris1701

  1. Chris1701

    Setting Scroll Bar Width problem

    Thanks for the idea's but I'm kind of an old time guy and I just don't have the knowledge to make my own components or descendants of existing components to replace this changing of the system default scrollbar width so that's kind of out for me. Just to give a few more details that perhaps I should have included, the main form of this VCL application uses a Raize Components TrzDBGrid now I could replace that component with any other dbgrid that does the same thing but it's a navigation problem that it's too hard to scroll or search in the dbgrid using touch when the scroll bar which I understand from Peter is a windows common control and there's no way in either the default dbgrid or any of the alternate dbgrid's I have access to (the SMComponents dbgrid or the Alpha Controls dbgrid) to make it replace the windows common control with an alternate scrollbar and as I said my skills just aren't up to creating my own dbgrid descendant or my own scrollbar. Btw Peter Below has been a VIP in the Delphi forums for more than 15 years and he's helped me out more times than I can count (and he's never steered me wrong) so I don't think he would have suggested something that was very problematic and in fact he said he's used this method for the same reason.