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Posts posted by Moskw@

  1. 37 minutes ago, emailx45 said:

    try verify in source code if exist something about "this"

    • EMBARCDERO folder ...\source\data\rest\restdebugger

    if necessary, recompile and re-install it

    http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Sydney/en/Installing_the_REST_Debugger  (or another edition)

    Thanks, I did not know that there is source code of RestDebugger. I found the problem. One of the files  (mru.dat) in user directory for RestDebugger was corrupted or its to big - not sure. I fix it and its working now (I get the data I need).

    best regards

  2. Hello,

       I get a problem with running  RestDebugger on my Windows 10 after it was updated. I get such error:




    and its stops (not working)


    It's weird and its on all version I have on my installed from Delphi XE8 to 10.4 . I also download free RestDebugger (tool from embarcadero web page and I get error too but it's bit different)




    Windows 10 Pro

    version: 20H2

    compilation: 19042.746


    Can someone confirm or know solution ?


    best regards

  3. On 12/14/2020 at 11:56 PM, ChrisChuah said:

    btw, do you know why is there a file permission error on the PA server? 

    i checked on all the user:group in the PAServer and its root:wheel.

    any ideas?



    Did You install new PAServer on Mac after installing path on Delphi machine? If You have diffrent version of PAServer on the "Delphi Machine" and "IOS Simulator Machine" it will not work.


  4. Hello,

       do not use sleep in background services, Android can think that Your service is not working (especially in energy save mode) and try to kill. Instead of this use for example :


    const cTimeInterval = 30000;
    var aLastTime : TDateTime;
      aLastTime := Now();  // use aLastTime := Now()-1; (whatever to start imiditly)
      while true do
          if (MilliSecondsBetween(Now(),aLastTime)>=cTimeInterval) then
            aLastTime := Now();        
            // do somethink there

    if You need to have time interval counting after to do something move aLastTime := Now(); after work you need to make. For me works better if I create that in new Thread in service.

    while true do - you can change to do somethink to brake loop if you need


    best regards
