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Erix A.

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Everything posted by Erix A.

  1. Could somebody confirm this, before I report the error? Here's the full code (simple form with a button on it). When I add break point at the end of procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);, in Delphi 10.2.3 I see the item, which was added, while in 10.3 I only see a pointer to it. unit Unit1; interface uses System.Generics.Collections, Winapi.Windows, Winapi.Messages, System.SysUtils, System.Variants, System.Classes, Vcl.Graphics, Vcl.Controls, Vcl.Forms, Vcl.Dialogs, Vcl.StdCtrls; type TForm1 = class(TForm) Button1: TButton; procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; type TItem = class private Ff2: string; Ff1: string; procedure Setf1(const Value: string); procedure Setf2(const Value: string); public property f1: string read Ff1 write Setf1; property f2: string read Ff2 write Setf2; end; type TItemList = class(TObjectList<TItem>); var Form1: TForm1; implementation {$R *.dfm} procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var item: TItem; list: TItemList; begin item := TItem.Create; item.f1 := 'f1'; item.f2 := 'f2'; list := TItemList.Create; list.Add(item); end; { TItem } procedure TItem.Setf1(const Value: string); begin Ff1 := Value; end; procedure TItem.Setf2(const Value: string); begin Ff2 := Value; end; end. 10.3 10.2
  2. Erix A.

    Can somebody confirm this in 10.3?

    I'm wondering if they are working on this? Just had to remove all 10.3 new features from my project (e.g. declaring variables in the middle of the code) so that I could debug my app in 10.2.
  3. - IDE is slower than 10.2.3. For example, you can see how Project/Options window is being drawn while opening. - If you set the dark mode, then you can see how options window is first drawn white and then skinned. - Code scrolling in the editor seems bit slower. - When app is run and the closed, lots of windows resizing, flickering is going on while the IDE goes from Debug to Default layout. (The same is happening in 10.2.3 as well, only it does it much faster). - Sometimes after couple of runs Object inspector is not drawn at all until you refresh it. - 1st full recompile of the project took about 12 seconds - 2nd full recompile 40 seconds - 3rd full recompile minute and something - 4th one is still running (joke) - After couple of recompiles, the whole IDE just blurs in the background, compiler gets stuck, and then after some time everything resumes. - Code completion still isn't working in my project (It works after the 1st compile, then stops until project is cleaned). I reported it to QC and even got some response in the item, but then it stopped. When I turned the skinning off, IDE become more responsive, but some of the tool bars are drawn with non default background and when I hover over the tool bar buttons, the background for them becomes black. I'm kinda sad. Usually I install the new Delphi and very soon uninstall the previous one, as the new one is just better. Not this time 😞
  4. Erix A.

    Can somebody confirm this in 10.3?

    OK, thanks. Reported the bug anyway.
  5. Erix A.

    My first Delphi 10.3 impressions

    It would be nice, if compiler/code completion/error insight/whatever is failing because of this gave a warning about this.
  6. Erix A.

    My first Delphi 10.3 impressions

    Thanks for the tip 🙂 Looks uglier than 10.2.3, but at least it's usable.
  7. Is this app just for you or for others as well? If latter, I'd suggest you store settings in file, instead. It is then much easier to for user to send you the settings file than do the registry extract. Then you can just copy the file and run your program locally with those settings. And even if it's just for you, use the file. Much easier to copy the settings around :)
  8. Erix A.

    Extracting SQL from Delphi code and DFMs

    Could you, please, elaborate what "move to the server" means? Is the result just a simple .sql files, which will be run on a server?