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Pat Foley

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Everything posted by Pat Foley

  1. Pat Foley

    Click a link in EDGE Browser

    Just don't set root to Internet! πŸ™‚ That JS is scary stuff.
  2. Pat Foley

    TProcessList issue.

    Something like this? It's like Borland's old 'side kick' only expanded to switch between different desktops. The thing can focus GE stuff so very handy. Here's a good start on it. Applister const hour2dot3 ='hr %2.3f '; //hour meter style hour2dot3wS ='hr %2.3f %s'; GoodApps: Tarray<string> = ['Notepad', 'TAppBuilder', 'Window', 'Chrome_WidgetWin_1', 'Notepad++', 'TfrmMultiMain']; type ptrApp = ^TApp; TApp = record Handle: HWnd; ... end; TptrApps = class(Tlist<ptrApp>) AppBuilderCount: Integer; // mark BDS's as loaded slLog: TStrings; //ref to CB.Items sBanner: PString; sgGrid: TStringGrid; //ref to Sg ChBx: TCheckListBox; //ref to chLB ... end;
  3. Pat Foley

    Something like SimpleNote with an API?

    Use Android Studio and select Web App πŸ™‚ I like to use SMS since most phone message apps can dial the phone number or map the street address in the incoming text. You just send a text to your phone number to start. To connect from email use (Pho)-Num-ber@phonecompanytxtservice.com which most companies provide. Pat
  4. Pat Foley

    General Help Indeed...a long-shot here....

    Still should follow National Fire Code and National Electric Codes. Should able to type in a desired color number vs messing with editor. Copying controls off the design screen into Notepad++ allows an easy compare of contents. The coloring of the controls was changed when a door interlock was added which caused the original 20 displays to lose their ability to reflect the status. The added control's status colors magic numbers were used to code the status color value somewhat then status color changes were commented out for original displays. Reverting to original intent colors reflecting status for all depictions could readily implemented. Attached shows Two of Tee's added following their status settings all the controls are having their Color0 set. I added a diamond and alert kind. Pat
  5. Pat Foley

    Open IDE in DPI Unaware??

    You could load a second copy of Delphi as a tool in tool options.
  6. I am thinking you may still have on change events connected to the buttons. If so set a break point in a change event to see what can happen! procedure TForm4.RadioGroup1Click(Sender: TObject); begin var rg := sender as TRadioGroup; case TuserSound(rg.itemIndex) of usHarsh: bTreble := True; usWarm: bBose := True; usBoomy: bSubwoofers := True; end; end;
  7. Try this user friendly code with enum type like ~TuserSettings = (spHash, spWarm, usJustRight) to line up the friendly strings. Save load the radiogroups item index. Use the enumtype with a case to set any Booleans object RadioGroup1: TRadioGroup Left = 136 Top = 232 Width = 185 Height = 105 Caption = 'Settings' Items.Strings = ( 'Harsh' 'Accurate' 'Warm' 'Fuzzy') TabOrder = 2 end
  8. Pat Foley

    General Help Indeed...a long-shot here....

    I suppose the D5 copy is the owner's. My concern are the gas trains meeting ASME codes for the interlocks to work properly.* I been in a plant where an intern changed the overall 16 color scheme and some things quit working. This image is marked up with where to click at to bring the color property editor. Also a text box shows effect of copying a shape control and pasting it into a text editor. * Not jumper wired or modified to prevent Tripping.
  9. Alt method for showing forms is using createparams in the forms. Then you can reinstate the OnTaskbar switch. protected procedure CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams) ; override; ... // This fixes alt tab issue showing selected form on top! procedure TfrmView.CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams); begin inherited; Params.ExStyle := Params.ExStyle or WS_EX_APPWINDOW; end;
  10. Pat Foley

    General Help Indeed...a long-shot here....

    Yes, but it appears that the dfm was saved in binary. Reading in text editor is enhanced when saving dfm as text. Besides the standard TButton and TControls like VB, Delphi user could build or be provided a custom Control to drop on form (even nonvisual controls). The package or library is *.dpk that puts the Control on the rail and registers the control so IDE "knows" what is dropped in design window. These components are streamed in and their events connected at runtime.
  11. Pat Foley

    General Help Indeed...a long-shot here....

    Check the .dfm files by using a text editor. Most likely the classes you are looking were dropped on the form back in '97. If so, you load those into IDE using package(s) *.dpks before opening the unit.pas The unit's dfm loads with the {$rec *.dfm} directive in the implementation, or the classes could be loaded at runtime If available and pathed as p'2K mentions. I think I have an Omron under the bench somewhere but it uses a 232 port. Sorry. Pat
  12. Pat Foley

    Not Threadsafe??

    I like that I have used just a showmessage when CanClose is false;
  13. Pat Foley

    String literals more then 255 chars

    I am getting weary of 16/9 screens. To get by I use the Tmemo. object Memo1: TMemo Left = 528 Top = 66 Width = 701 Height = 569 Lines.Strings = ( 'SELECT'#65279 'DATE_FORMAT(co.order_date, '#39'%Y-%m'#39') AS order_month,' 'DATE_FORMAT(co.order_date, '#39'%Y-%m-%d'#39') AS order_day,' 'COUNT(DISTINCT co.order_id) AS num_orders,' 'COUNT(ol.book_id) AS num_books,' 'SUM(ol.price) AS total_price,' 'SUM(COUNT(ol.book_id)) OVER (' ' ORDER BY DATE_FORMAT(co.order_date, '#39'%Y-%m-%d'#39')' ') AS running_total_num_books' 'FROM cust_order co' 'INNER JOIN order_line ol ON co.order_id = ol.order_id' 'GROUP BY ' ' DATE_FORMAT(co.order_date, '#39'%Y-%m'#39'),' ' DATE_FORMAT(co.order_date, '#39'%Y-%m-%d'#39')' 'ORDER BY co.order_date ASC;' '' 'end') TabOrder = 6 end From the .dfm
  14. Pat Foley

    Edits not saved??

    When saving said open file in one IDE, the other open IDE when focused will show fileXXX timedate changed update? A Change in the DFM is called a in memory change as well! Doing that will synchronize or import the changes to that IDE. // A change in a custom component needs a little more to see changes in the dfm. Control-b will show the pathed files
  15. Pat Foley

    Methods from Libraries (bpl or pas) in Apps??

    {$WEAKLINKRTTI ON} {$RTTI EXPLICIT METHODS([]) PROPERTIES([]) FIELDS([])} To get the line count to Lines: 1277, Types: 482, Others: 784 insert above switches in the dpr. This works even on the Emb and Cantu examples.
  16. I have noticed that Delphi adds Ios and Android deploy information even for packages. What switch adds this to .dproj <Import Project="$(MSBuildProjectName).deployproj" Condition="Exists('$(MSBuildProjectName).deployproj')"/> How to set the unit output for 32 and 64 in a MyPackage? I tried the codegear dslusr and it would not allow dropping the control on a form in 64 mode. Controls could be placed on form in 32 mode though. I removed and made a fresh package that allows the controls to be placed on form. πŸ™‚ And what about Versioning? The following always brings 1.0.0 for myapp. function TptrApps.getVersionasString(inAppName: string): string; var Major, Minor, Build: Cardinal; begin Try Major := 6; Minor := 6; Build := 6; GetProductVersion(inAppName, Major, Minor, Build); result := Format('%d.%d.%d', [Major, Minor, Build]); Except on E: Exception do result := E.ClassName + ':' + E.Message else result := 'Trouble '; End; end; Thanks, Pat
  17. That and reading the link got me running again. In the past Before 11 I tried have design only. I was not recompiling in 64. Thanks Pat
  18. So, when error 2048 shows after switching platforms; Just switching back clears it. Which is pretty cool that 11.3 can recover. The Syntax check magic does not work as well when installing a package. That needs to be compiled to lose the vintage dcus/BPL. In my case ignoring compiler warning about implicit files in a package build results in error 2048. I just don't know how make separate include files for the different platforms and perhaps csDesigning mode bypass so procedure not used in design mode is needed.
  19. When I switch from 64 to 32 I use the syntax check to (alt-p-s) Before the compile. The issue in a package. Pat
  20. I have the opposite problem my *.proj have 40k worth of Ios and Android deployment yuch and I am using VCL and little FMX. However, when switching from 32 to 64 to prevent a bad compile, I use the syntax check Alt-p-s to freshen the DCUs. Also, I try to load forms at runtime to reduce the files needed to be listed in .dpr, .dproj and .dproj.local.
  21. Pat Foley

    Panels and alignment

    Try dropping a ControlwithmarginsSet.AlignWithMargins :.= True and see what happens! // the margin property isn't just for making porting to Lazarus a chore.
  22. Ok New project set as 64 set as release run as debug shows threads show unit works either way πŸ™‚
  23. You must have some camelCase where D likes PascalCase best. I able to drill in Control select with program running. It takes a day or two of pruning the write cache and reboot or two for changes to keep. Big jobs usual have dcu units paths set.
  24. Guess 1. windows freshens memory shuffle for big program that is grabs files from the files needing to written to disk 3.5 gigs on my machine. This feature saves say 3 minutes on reboot buts retains the cache wreck 😞 Fix Kill some msedgebrower.x off vs reboot Guess 2. Windows swap file uses compressed memory. This compressed memory is shuffled in/out? on big job. Fix shut off the swap file. Guess 3. Run apps like D and edge in full screen so Windows can manage memory for running apps better. Knowing the above in 64 yields a running program with clickable menu items in Ide. Here's what I did to find a problem switching to win11 machine I must have set build with runtime packages under packages. clicking find unit under Refactor yields what the IDE knows. The center forms show before after. Guess 4. ctrl Mouse down is to be shut down when App is running? IDE He (or She let's say D for Diapered) must think the program is compiled and running! This is on win 11 D11.1