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Pat Foley

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Everything posted by Pat Foley

  1. // Define a record type as a data class data class cpRecord( var UI: TStringGrid, // Assuming this is a custom type var compute: TProc, // Assuming this is a functional type var Value: PDouble // Assuming this is a pointer type ) // Define a custom generic list as a subclass of MutableList class TcustomList : MutableList<cpRecord> { // Delegate the implementation to an ArrayList private val list = ArrayList<cpRecord>() // Implement the abstract methods of MutableList override val size: Int get() = list.size ... I think "port"able coding should be what is taught. Starting with Excel. Above code from a "Bing" prompt porting a Delphi TList<PRecord> to Kotlin. The "Precords" allow more shallow code on D jobs and should allow a port on the Android side. In the past one could simply use JS.evaluate(some script).
  2. Pat Foley

    Custom color not in color property list

    Here is a sample using a ColorDialog and ListBox. Note In the IDE you can interact with the colordialog on the form to preload custom colors. The ColorDialog can be to show full with in object inspector. procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin If ColorDialog1.Execute Then Listbox1.Items := ColorDialog1.CustomColors; end; procedure TForm1.ListBox1Click(Sender: TObject); begin if Sender is TListBox then begin var lb := TListBox(Sender); var I := lb.ItemIndex; Color := StrtoInt('$' + lb .Items .ValueFromIndex[I] ); end; end;
  3. Pat Foley

    How to break up an OnPaint event?

    But overclocking is fun! Using paint; override; with say TShape a tGraphicalControl allows using inherited to draw existing shape and add text as needed. Not using inherited means drawing your own polygon. The sample simply draws over the TShape control Ok But the focus rect yielded some relics. In the past it was necessary to exit a timer event when busy or in debug mode. Even with example switches the following stacks up clicks events. I put a call to Button8click in the formPaint and it ran but slowly. Otherwise just invalidate the controls as needed. var Button8clickIsBusy: Integer = 0; var OneShot: Boolean = False; procedure TForm1.Button8Click(Sender: TObject); const Red = clRed; Green = clGreen; Colors: Array of Tcolor = [clGreen,clRed,clBlue,clYellow]; var sw: TStopwatch; sX: string; function RandomFontColor: Tcolor; begin var Clr := High(Colors); var R := Random(Clr); Result := Colors[R]; end; begin sw.Reset; sw.Start; If Oneshot then Exit; If Button8clickIsBusy > 0 then begin Canvas.TextOut(10,10,'Drawing on Canvas'); Caption := 'Busy ' + Button8clickIsBusy.ToString; Exit; end; //Canvas.Unlock; // may need Inc(Button8clickIsBusy); OneShot := True; const L = Shape1.Left + 5; const T = Shape1.Top + 5; var SP: Integer := 0; var X := -50; //Brush.Color := clmoneygreen; //Canvas.FillRect(BoundsRect); //hosed by style and not max windowstate Repeat sX := X.ToString; Canvas.Font.Color := RandomFontColor; Canvas.Font.Size := X; Canvas.TextOut(20, 20, sX); canvas.DrawFocusRect(Rect(22,22,X+X-3,(X-3)*2)); //on shape Canvas.Font.Color := RandomFontColor; Canvas.Font.Size := -X; Canvas.TextOut(L, T, sX); Sleep(20); Canvas.Font.Color := clWindowFrame; canvas.DrawFocusRect(Rect(22,22,X+X-3,(X-3)*2)); Inc(X); Until x > 50; Button8clickIsBusy := 0; sw.Stop; Canvas.TextOut( 10,100,'Done et='+ sw.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString); Caption := 'Busy ' + Button8clickIsBusy.ToString; Oneshot := False; end;
  4. I think this is a start Henney Lambda? Presentation 2020 NDC has mention of Borland's Pascal and Delphi in it. Any computer based training, books, and manuals needs be to discussed over what was learned and review the topics that are unclear should make the onboarding process a learning experience for you as well as the new guy. Also studying GExperts source and comments at https://blog.dummzeuch.de/2021/10/24/gexperts-1-3-19-alpha-for-delphi-11/ is good and what the Experts can do is useful!
  5. Pat Foley

    dbchart lines, not getting results desired

    Here's sample of updating lineseries and legend in real time I think the data points should the numbers and be in the legend Second the time axis is usually bottom axis. For old data pass in the datetime of the record and field name of number. s := FormatDateTime('ss', Frac(aSimTime)); Ptp := Chart1.Series[0]; if Ptp.Count > 300 then Ptp.Delete(0, 100); Chart1.Series[0].AddXY(now, FXY.y, s, clRed); Chart1.Series[0].Title := 'A ' + FXY.y.ToString; if Chart1.SeriesCount > 1 then begin Ptp := Chart1.Series[1]; Chart1.Series[1].AddXY(now, FXY.y + 5, '', clBlue); Chart1.Series[1].Title := 'A dgr ' + (FXY.y + 5).ToString; if Ptp.Count > 150 then Ptp.Delete(0, 50); end; end;
  6. Try this, the tool tip shows the index which can used to access the string. Done in 11.3 var idx : Integer; const Nus: array of string = ['1', '2', '3']; begin try { TODO -oUser -cConsole Main : Insert code here } idx := IndexText ('3',Nus); WriteLn( idx); Writeln(nus[idx]); Readln;
  7. Pat Foley

    get gdi render output of invisible form

    It was the one that had the apps running on the server side and sent out the screen shots. Who would run a program that served pix of local machine?
  8. Pat Foley

    get gdi render output of invisible form

    Check this out https://blogs.embarcadero.com/evaluating-web-development-frameworks-for-delphi/ Learning how vpn and vnc work would give you a leg up.
  9. Pat Foley

    Delphi 12 is available

    Psychic surgery may be indicated for those with bad luck. 🙂 The only bad luck I know about is the disassembly window not showing on 12. Control-alt-d when stopped at a breakpoint only flickers the other debug floaters. 😞
  10. Pat Foley

    Try-Finally-end; & Exit??

    The try...finally...end is typically used to free memory. This sample simply sets the count back to zero and has a counter for number of count resets in the finally. Goto's and try's don't mix. var Count: 0..100 = 0; Reentrant: 0..100 = 0; procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); begin //Constraint If Count > 4 then exit; (Sender as TButton).Enabled := False; Inc(Count); Caption := 'Goingto ' + Count.ToString; Sleep(100); Try Caption := Format('Goneto %d',[Count]); If Count < 9 then begin Sleep(110); Button2Click(Sender); //Poor Person's ProcessMessages end; finally Inc(Reentrant); Count := 0; sleep(12_00); Caption := Format('Please !gotos!* use %d jumps',[Reentrant]); End; //* pram notation Beattie //Enables first finally pass :( (Sender as TButton).Enabled := True; end;
  11. Pat Foley

    Bringing the IDE automatically to the foreground?

    Works for me side by side... Notice how grouping shows a Instance paired with explorer it was paired with Help. I like the Startup layout and set the message and callstack views that popout in debug view. My only complaint is D12 icon same as D11 icon?
  12. Pat Foley

    Design of client/server application

    Here's some more Information for your consideration. https://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.7/svn-book.pdf Surely only copies of your documents are being looked at and double checked before changes are recorded into the system.
  13. Pat Foley

    open dialog

    Some Entities track employee's computer use and issue "warnings". What are your peers doing in like setups?
  14. Pat Foley

    open dialog

    Letting a user even see that another user's folder exists, even if it's not selectable, is just bad UI design and broken security waiting to be exploited. I would change this to mean each client 'sees' only one 'cloud' or 'channel'. Meaning the Admin for one client's machines would never see another client's channel machines and data. Have each client users use email and password to start windows and access their file share and shared drives as allowed by the logon of that user's account.
  15. Shouldn't that be PNativeInt(@ to allow either 32 or 64 compiling. The first 12 compile for me was 11K bigger but additional recompile yielded 45k smaller exe*. The displays show one NAN and blank "TokenWindow:bds.exe" *Did remove unused Controls from a package though.
  16. Pat Foley

    open dialog

    Use ShellAPI and ListBox or ListView perhaps. Try typing over the path in the FileOpenDialog location bar and see what happens with "cmd" or "explorer" text.😈
  17. Pat Foley

    Form still on display when property Visible = false

    In the past using Showing property never worked well for me... I just the removed the if Showing and just Hide and Show as needed. Also I added Step, Run, Stop buttons for timer state. A Step "freezes" the "program" if timer was enabled. If !timer.Enabled the Step does one OnTimer event. In runtime. Or say in Edit mode vs "Freeze". The State machine tells the Windows tiling what to do. The tiling should have not to deal with the State machine. This tiling either forms or controls get control when active or have focus. UI is dealt by State machine. The tiler (UI) plays the cards dealt. Also simply changing the parent of control can "show" or "hide" in a hurry.
  18. Pat Foley

    Testers needed for GExperts Instant Grep expert

    I plan to code an expert to verify the dcus are kept current with current source code because sometimes the current source code needs saved before the dcus are recompiled. I need to simply review and learn more before making additional comment.
  19. Pat Foley

    Debug for Win64 - blue dots are shifted

    It's frickle. If you save before each compile you increase your history files... But sometimes saving modified source needs done! The odd thing is debugging is running catching errors in 64 release for me. On a machine that hasn't been rebooted for four days. Side effect of .rsm file used on 64 side. Here I need to catch the exception surfaced to let the code run so undocumented or unknown to me feature.
  20. Pat Foley

    Testers needed for GExperts Instant Grep expert

    Thanks does GExperts have anything that looks at file age, I found that mentioned in Ray Lischner Hidden Paths of Delphi 3 wooden book. Then look at timestamps of the DCU to if the Build all compile processed everything. Sometimes the source needs saved first. GExperts actually catches when a license check fails which again is some good work.
  21. Pat Foley

    Testers needed for GExperts Instant Grep expert

    Here's my shot at it. Leaving GExperts as is and extend functionality with outside exe. There's a fantastic amount of work in GExperts and I am learning a lot reviewing the source and the comments in @dummzeuch Blog is quite helpful. Thanks. Running a task bar manager surfaces the GExperts showing in other desktops. What's interesting GExperts moves the active Delphi instance behind the taskbar with only the titlebar showing. Unsure here some GExperts hide with Delphi instance and docking forms get a taskbar icon.
  22. Pat Foley

    Running python code in Delphi threads

    Is a 2006 Programming Python by Mark Lutz still worth reading? Then use your guide to learn how use threads with Python. Thanks
  23. If you are in Windows use the tab key to change focus blue highlight in edit and caret insertion in the Memo or use mouse click to change focus.
  24. Pat Foley

    Debug for Win64 - blue dots are shifted

    Very good I put in seperate dcu64 path to be able to jump between 32 and 64 readily.
  25. Pat Foley

    Debug for Win64 - blue dots are shifted

    I been having some issues with that myself. Either try syntax check or a build all and check that all dcus or your timestamps are updated. On one project I found a library with a warning which when corrected made a big difference. I found that just closing and editing the project guid is easier but not always a fix.